Exam 2 Questions Flashcards
Freud’s Explanation of Attachment
Biological drives; satisfaction of physiological needs
Bowlby’s Explanation of Attachment (Ethological)
Warm Intimate relationship with attached figure (parent, etc)
lack thereof could lead to issues in social-emotional development
Expanded upon by Hrlows wire VS cloth mother Experiment
What is attachment?
Emotional bonds that children form with their caregiver at about 7 - 9 months
Bowlby Phases of Attachment
- Pre attachment
Crying or smiling to yield psychological needs from caretaker
- Attachment-in-the-making
Preference for familiar people
- Clear-cut attachment
Secure base
Separation anxiety
- Reciprocal relationship phase
interaction and communication
Intersubjectivity is the shared, reciprocal, experience between the parent and child whereby the experience of each is having an impact on the experience of the other.
Mirror Neurons
Specialized brain cells that fire when an individual sees or hears another perform an action, just as they would fire if the observing individual
were performing the same action.
A feeling state that involves distinctive physiological reactions and cognitive evaluations and that motivates action.
Examples of Emotional Regulation
Effects of maternal depression
Individualistic vs. collectivistic cultures
Maternal depression: Obstacle to intersubjectivity
Infant-caregiver interactions routinely disorganized and unresponsive to emotional interactions
Infants learn over time to disengage
Infant reaction less strong in still-face reaction
Bowlby Separation from Attachment
Children first become frantic with fear then experience despair and depression then become indifferent to other people (detachment)
Ainsworth Strange Situation
Strange Situation:
a laboratory procedure designed to assess children’s attachment
Rated :
the child’s use of their mother as a secure base for exploration,
the child’s reactions to being left alone with a stranger and then completely alone
the child’s response when they are reunited with their mother.
Secure attachment
Children play comfortably and react positively to stranger as long as mother is present.
become upset when mother leaves and are unlikely to be consoled by a stranger
calm down as soon as their mother reappears.
Avoidant attachment:
Children are indifferent to where mother is sitting
may or may not cry when mother leaves
as likely to be comforted by strangers as by mother,
indifferent when mother returns to the room.
Resistant attachment
children stay close to mother
appear anxious even when mother is near
become very upset when their mother leaves but are not comforted by her return
simultaneously seek renewed contact with their mother and resist their mother’s efforts to comfort them.
Disorganized attachment
lack a coherent method for dealing with stress.
may behave in seemingly contradictory ways (screaming for their mother but moving away when she approaches)
Primary intersubjectivity
Organized, reciprocal interaction between an infant and a caregiver, with the interaction itself as the focus.
Secondary Intersubjectivity
Form of interaction between infant and caregiver with communication and emotional sharing focused not just on the interaction but on the world beyond