Exam 2 Proposing and Launching WHPP's Flashcards
Understand what a business case is and why establishing a strong business case is important in today’s business climate.
WHPP’s need funding sources and funding sources want to see compelling evidence for a program. The business case greatly increases the chances of that a viable and cost-effective program will be created. Important to show why you’re better than other options and the benefits you will provide.
What is usually the limiting factors for worksite health promotion programs?
allocating resources including; On site facilities Personnel Equipment In house funding Off-site facilities External provider and ancillary funding
What is meant by “resources” for a worksite? give examples.
Things that help the WHPP On site facilities Personnel Equipment In house funding Off-site facilities External provider and ancillary funding
`List and describe personnel options for WHPPs
Employees Consultants/Independent Contractors Outsourcing Contract Service Nearly 1/3 of businesses outsource some or all of their HR or benefits programs Commercial Health Promotion Materials
Alternate funding source possibilities
alternate funding includes; -Employees partially pay for program E.g. $2 per yoga class -Grants -Polling -Health Plan Programs
Criteria that must be met to be considered a strong program proposal
Should include; Problem Identification, Goals, Environmental Assessment , Worksite Strategies , Resource Assessment, Proposed Program, Expected Costs, Expected Benefits (benefit-cost projection). Must meet these criteria. 1) The problem is clearly described and quantified
2) A practical strategy to address the problem is addressed
3) Expected benefits are based on real case studies and are likely to exceed the costs
Checklist for a successful program
- Top management supports the program
- The company has a designated budget for WHP
- The program is free or inexpensive for employees
- Qualified personnel operate the program
- The program staff seeks input from other employees and management
- Opportunities to participate in the program are convenient for all
- Health screenings and surveys are conducted regularly
- Program materials are available
- When possible, programming is available to dependents and retirees
- The company’s mission statement cites a healthy workforce as one of its priorities
- The program provides both general and customized health promotion activities
- The company gets involved in local health promotion programs to show its commitment to improving the companies health status
Marketing and the 4 P’s
Defined as an “aggregate of functions involved in moving goods from producer to consumer” Describing the product Explaining the product Advertising the product Monitoring, transportation and seeking feedback. The four P's to marketing are; Product Price Placement Promotion
What questions should a WHPP professional address when it comes to product?
What is your service? Precisely. Time commitment? Offer customized options? Why is the worksite version better than the commercial offerings? What can they gain from your service?
Examples of promotional material options
Posters Email Paycheck stuffers Company website postings Weekly safety meetings
What are some options when using a website or intranet? how can you use it as a WHPP professional?
you can;
- Program schedules/calendars
- Schedule personal coaching
- Articles, databases on health topics
- Outside/community resources
e. g. hotlines, American Cancer Society, etc. - Self help resources
What are the five stages of the trans theoretical model of change(TTM)?
- Precontemplation- unwilling to change behavior, deny there is a problem, almost impossible to convince to change, at this stage knowledge is power.
- Contemplation- considering to change in the next months, problem is acknowledged, not quite ready to change but thinking about it, some remain int his stage for years, education and peer support are crucial.
- Preparation- getting ready to make the change within a month, initial steps are being taken in changing behavior, goal is defined, specific objectives to achieve goal are stated.
- Action- actively changing a negative behavior or adopting a new healthy behavior, greatest commitment of time and energy, must follow specific guidelines, less than 6 months.
- Maintenance- maintains behavioral change for at least 5 years, requires continual adherence to specific guidelines, Person works to reinforce the gains made through the various stages and strives to prevent relapses
what are some promotional efforts to undertake for each stage of change?
*Precontemplation- Assess personal health status of client
HRA, Assess priorities related to health, Education on why health promotion is important
*Contemplation- Help client understand the advantages of living a healthier lifestyle, Help build their self confidence, Avoid “telling them” what to do, Identify positive role models , Ask them to set a personal goal and practically assess where to fit that into their busy schedules
*Preparation- Goal setting is key here!, Identify an incentive that would help motivate them, Identify potential barriers, Encourage clients to act on their goals, Make resources available to them.
*Action- Reinforce client’s good actions, Encourage them to track progress, Encourage re-evaluating goals and setting new ones
*Maintenance- Reinforce positive health behaviors, Review and revise goals, Continue to track progress, Provide more in depth information and education to those clients , Don’t forget about these people!!!
Discuss health coaching, and the use of telephone coaching in WHPPs
health coaching feature: -Health Assessment -Review of assessment data -Initial coaching session -Follow up coaching sessions Telephone coaching helps: -Organizations with multiple sites -Small number of employees -Situations where employees may not have access to face-to-face coaching
What is the planning framework for developing a health fair?
Preliminary planning, development of the health fair, and program implementation.
who would you consider as vendors for a health fair?
County health department Local health organizations Local health clubs Dietician's/Nutritionists Non profits (health organizations) Massage therapists University services, departments, etc.
Discuss liability and risk and how a WHPP can minimize both.
Anytime an employee participates in WHPPs or any other on-site activity, the worksite can be held liable for any injury/incident. Worksites should take precautionary measures to minimize risk.There are several ways to do this – and you should do as many as possible!
Options- Position your program so that workers comp or private liability insurance covers program related or on the job injuries
Waivers and consent forms (a MUST!)
Develop a screening program that identifies high risk employees
BUT you cannot discriminate against individuals (remember ADA?)
Many worksites have ADA experts/consultants
Employee health screenings and how they can minimize risk and liability.
must be medically warranted and done my authorized professionals, inform the employees why they are being screened, follow up should be done confidentially. Nearly all employees have some level of measurable risk. Many times screenings are conducted to determine employee health status, fitness level & exercise capabilities.
What do employee surveys indicate as the top incentive?
cash bonuses, reduction in health insurance premiums, gift cards, and health account contributions.
What are some strategies for program adherence
goal setting, regular verbal support and written feedback, a “point” system, participant of the month, sponsor a fun run or walk, lead a walk/run group, makes yourself as present as possible, reward employees for at home health behaviors, and use a map to “walk to destinations”