Exam 2 Practical Flashcards
Name this pathogenic trypanosomatid that can be found in blood and tissues
Leishmania spp (extracellular)
Name this pathogenic apicomplexa that can be found in blood and tissues
Plasmodium ovale
- Infects larger-sized RBCs
- Stippling present
- Fimbriated
- Schizont contains 6-14 merozoites
Name this nonpathogenic protozoa that can be found in the intestines
Endolimax nana troph
Name this pathogenic trypanosomatid that can be found in blood and tissues
Trypanosoma brucei
- Small kinetoplast
Name this nonpathogenic protoza that can be found in the intestines
Chilomastix mesnili cyst
Name this nonpathogenic protozoa that can be found in the intestines
Pentatrichomonas hominis troph (no cyst form yet identified)
Name this nonpathogenic protozoa that can be found in the intestines
Chilomastix mesnili troph
Name this pathogenic flagellate that can be found in blood and tissues
Trichomonas vaginalis troph
Name this pathogenic apicomplexa that can be found in the intestines
Sarcocystis hominis and S. suihominis
Name this pathogenic apicomplexa that can be found in the intestines
Cyclospora cayetanensis oocysts
(Modified-acid fast alters morphology, ghost cells don’t stain)
Name this pathogenic trypanosomatid that can be found in blood and tissue
Leishmania spp (intracellular)
Name this nonpathogenic protozoa that can be found in the intestines
Enteromonas hominus
Name this pathogenic apicomplexa that can be found in blood and tissues
Plasmodium falciparum
- Infects normal-sized RBCs
- No stippling
- Primarily ring forms seen in RBCs
- Multiple rings/RBC
- Banana shaped gametophytes
Name this pathogenic amoebae that can be found in blood and tissues
Balmuthia mandrillaris cyst
Name this nonpathogenic protozoa that can be found in the intestines
Iodamoeba bütschlii cyst
Name this pathogenic apicomplexa that can be found in blood and tissues
Babesia spp
To differentiate from Plasmodium, Babesia produces racket-shaped merozoites, ring forms, an extracellular parasites are seen)