Exam 2 Part 6 Flashcards
What system(s) does eyes open, fixed surface, and visual surround test in posturography?
All 3
What system(s) does eyes closed, fixed surface test in posturography?
Vestibular and proprioceptive; visual is affected
What system(s) does eyes open, fixed surface, sway referenced visual surround test in posturography?
Puts visual in conflict with proprioceptive and vestibular
What system(s) does eyes open, fixed visual surround, sway referenced surface test in posturography?
Visual and vestibular; proprioceptive is affected
What system(s) does eyes closed, sway referenced surface test in posturography?
Visual and proprioceptive affected; rely on vestibular
What system(s) does eyes open, sway referenced surface, visual surround test in posturography?
Visual and proprioceptive in conflict
Shows were speech is on audiogram
Speech banana
Hearing loss where speech doesn’t sound clear, can hear low frequency sounds more clearly
High frequency hearing loss
Entire speech spectrum is audible
Normal hearing
Speech understanding decreases, reduces amount of audible speech
Hearing loss
95% speech intensity contribute to _____ frequency
95% speech intelligibility is in _____ frequency
What type of shaped audiogram will have a harder understanding speech?
What are the effects of hearing loss in speech intelligibility (2)?
Reduced audibility, supra threshold distortion
How well you resolve different frequencies
Frequency resolution