Exam 2 Part 3 (Tympanograms) Flashcards
What is the air pressure peak for Type A?
+50 to -150
What is the PVT for type A in adults?
.3 - 2.0
What is the PVT for type A in children?
.2 - .9
What is the diagnosis for Type A?
Is it possible for PVT to be abnormal in type A?
No; measures that the whole system is normal
Normal but not as compliant
What causes subtype As?
Osteosclerosis, scar tissue on tympanic membrane
Extremely compliant eardrum
What causes subtype Ad?
Disarticulation of ossicles
What is the air pressure peak in type B?
What is the compliance like in type B?
No defined peak
What is the diagnosis for type B?
Otitis media, obstruction, perforation/tubes
How can we tell the diagnosis of type B?
Case history, otoscope, physical volume test
What is the air pressure peak for type C?
Greater than 50, less than -150
What is the compliance like for type C?
Any defined peak