Exam 2 Paintings Flashcards

Title: Christ Teaching the Apostles
Location: Catacomb of Domitilla, Rome
Medium: Wall painting
Style: Early Christian

Title:Good Shepherd
Medium: Marble
Location: Vatican Museums, Rome.
Style: Early Christian

Title: Jonah
Style: Early Christian
Story: Represents the three day resurrection of Christ

Title: Old Saint Peter’s Basilica
Location: Rome.
Style: Early Christian

Title: Hagia Sophia
Locaiton: Constantinople (Istanbul).
Style: Byzantine.

Title: Hagia Sophia
Style: Byzantine
Story: Interior, dome on pendentives.

Title: Christ as the Good Shepherd.
Style: Byzantine

Title: Orthodox
Style: Byzantine
Medium: Mosaic

Title:San Apollinare Nuvo.
Location: Palace. Ravenna,
Style: byzantine style because of the mosaics

Story: The windows are called clear story.
Architecture: early Christian
Mosaics: early byzantine
Title: North wall mosaic

Style: Byzantine. Based on a central axis
Title: Church of San Vitale

Title: Sant’ Apollinare in Classe
Style: Early Christian Church

Title: Christ enthroned Ceiling mosaic
Style: Byzantine

Title: Emperor Justinian and courtiers
Style: Byzantine

Title: Empress Theodora and retinue.
Medium: Mosaic from the south wall of the apse,
Location: San Vitale, Ravenna.
Style: Byzantine

Style: Carolingian.
Title: The four evengelists and their symbols, gospel book of Charlemagne.

Title: Interior of the Palatine Chapel of Charlemagne
Style: Caroligian.

Location: trumeau of the south portal of St. Pierre, Moissac, France.
Story: No real concern for the body, more symbolic

Title: Pentecost
Location: Abbey Church of La Madeleine
Tympanum: Rounded part above the door.
Half circle around it: architraves

Title:Saint Denis
Identifye gothis elements.
Pointed arch
Stained glass window
High windows
Story: Shows the how the use of the ribbed vault and pointed arches gives scope for the passage of light through the lancet windows.

Transverse half-sectional drawing of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris.

Title: Interior of the upper chapel of La Sainte Chapelle
Location: PARIS

Title: Notre Dame de Belle Verrière (“Our lady of the beautiful window”)
Style: Gothic

Location: Chartres Cahtedral
Title: Virgin Mary
Story: Archivolts showing the 7 liberal arts.

Title: Chartres Cathedrial
Style: Gothic Romanesque

Title: Vine makers Window
Medium: glass roundel.
Location: Saint Lubin, Chartres Cathedral, France.

Title:Nicola Pisano.
Medium: Marble
Style: 14th century transition: Internation style.Or 14th century style.

Artist: GIOVANNI Pisano.
Title: Nativity and Annunciation to the Shepherds
Medium: Marble

Artist: Cimabue.
Title: Crucifixion
Style: International

Style: Proto-Renasance
Artist: Cimabue.
Title: Madonna Enthroned.
Medium: Tempera on Panel

Style: Proto-Renasance
Artist: Giotto.
Title: Madonna Enthroned.
Medium: Tempera on wood

Artist: Giotto.
Artist: The Meeting of Joachim and Anna.
Medium: Wet Fresco

Artist: Giotto.
Title: The Lamentation over the Dead Christ.
Medium: Wet Fresco.
Style: Proto-Renasance

Artist: Simone Martini.
Title: The Annunciation.
Medium: Tempera on wood
Style: International Gothic

Title: Book of hours of duke berry (February)
Medium: Manuscript illuminartion
Style: Internation Gothic Style
Artist: Limburg brothers

Artist: Limbourg Brothers.
Title: May page from the Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry.
Medium: Manuscript illumination.
Style: International style.

Title: Florence Cathedral, Italy.
Story: Dome constructed by Brunelleschi and bell-tower designed by Giotto. Church is gothic Dome is renesance

Style: Flamboyant gothic style
Title: Duomo,
Location: Milan