exam 2- muscle physiology, endocrine, reproductive Flashcards
what are the three types of muscle?
cardiac, skeletal, smooth
characteristics of cardiac muscle
striated (sarcoma), involuntary
characteristics of skeletal muscle
striated (sarcoma), voluntary
characteristics of smooth muscle
involuntary (no sarcoma)
the 4 properties of muscle are:
contractatility, excitability, extensibility, elasticity
the ability to generate force by contracting
the ability to respond to a stimulus (this is often from a motor neuron)
stretch beyond resting length without being damaged
ability to return to resting length after being stretched
what is the primary function of all muscle?
to generate force
what is the secondary function of skeletal muscle?
to maintain posture, stabilize joints, generate heat (shivering)
how are skeletal muscles attached to bones?
via tendons
what causes joint movement?
muscle tension on the tendon
origin of the muscle
the part of the muscle that is closer to the body. this part remains immobile during the action
insertion of the muscle
the part of the muscle that is farther from the body. this part moves during the action
what is the tendon connected to?
the bone on one end, and epimysium on other end
structure of the muscle, from smallest part to biggest:
muscle cell (fiber), endomysium (between the cell fibers), fasicle (wraps a group of fibers), perimysium (wraps the fasicles in groups), epimysium (wraps around the perimysium) and is attached to tendon, which is attached to bone
what does a parallel arrangement of fascicles tell you?
works for range of motion
what does a pennate arrangement of fascicles tell you?
works for power. you can fit more muscle cells into a space that is pennate vs parallel. more muscle cells = more force = power
where is calcium stored in the myofiber?
sarcoplasmic reticulum
what is the importance of the t-tubule in the myofiber?
propogates action potentials into the interior of the cell
what is the sarcomere?
it is the functional unit of muscle contraction. it gives rise to the striated appearance of cardiac and skeletal muscles
protein structure that serves as a point of attachment for the thin myofilament. from one z-disk to another = one sarcomere
in the middle. a protein structure that acts as a place of attachment for the thick myofilaments
the length of the thick myofilament
what is the largest protein in the body?
what is the thin myofilament made out of?
actin, wrapped in tropomyosin
the length from the end of one thin myo to the start of the next thin myo
what happens in the sarcomere as the muscle contracts?
thin filaments slide between thick filaments. the distance between the z-disks shortens. the I-band (which is the part that is thin filament between z-disks of dif. sarcomeres) completely disappears. the h-band shortens. the a-band does not shorten
sliding filament mechanism
imagine the thin myofilament (purple helix balls) above the thick myofilament (green stripes with heads). the myosin head is ATPase and has an ATP bonding site. it is currently in the kinked position. as ATP binds, myosin undergoes hydrolysis and the head extends to a non-kinked postion. the ATP has now turned into inorganic phosphate and ADP. the actin binding site has binded the myosin head to the actin on the thin myofilament. the connection that was just made is called a cross bridge.
power stroke mechanism
now that the myosin head is binded to the actin, inorganic phosphate may leave. the action of inorganic phosphate leaving is called a power stroke. it brings it back to kinked position, but still bonded to the actin. the sarcomere shortens as the thick myofilament pulls the thin closer to the middle
how do we regulate muscle contraction?
when the muscle is relaxed, tropomyosin blocks the binding site on actin, remember, tropomyosin is the string that is attached and runs the span of the thin myofilament. troponin can displace tropomyosin, therefore exposing the actin active site and allow for cross bridge attachment. calcium will bind to troponin, which causes a conformational change, which is what allows for the active actin site to be exposed
how are calcium levels regulated?
this is the process of excitation-contraction coupling
motor unit
each motor neuron plus the muscle fiber it makes contact with
neuromuscular junction
where contact is made between motor neurons and muscle fibers
characteristics of motor neurons
they are all or none, meaning that when the motor neuron is activated, ALL of the muscle fibers that it is connected to become depolarized. depolarization is what allows for muscle contraction
innervation ratio
motor neuron : muscle fiber
eye muscles 1:20
calf muscles 1:2000
some things need more/bigger movements and power
how is an action potential generated?
- the motor neuron action potential drives down the axon. 2. because of the depolarization from the last step, the voltage gated calcium channels open and calcium enters. 3. calcium forms into ACh vesicles which get released and bind to acetylcholinesterase. 4. the ACh binding opens ion channels. 5. sodium enters through the opened channels. 6. the positive charge from sodium travels as a local current through the muscle plasma membrane. 7. this charge go through voltage gated sodium channels, which propogate action potentials
steps of excitation-contraction coupling
(in somatic motor neuron). somatic neuron gets activated.
ACh gets released
(in sarcolemma) ACh binds to nicotinic ACh receptors, opens ligand gated channels. sodium diffuses in, producing a depolarizing stimulus of the muscle membrane. an action potential is produced.
(in transverse tubules) action potential are conducted about the tubules. action potentials open the voltage gated calcium channels.
(in sarcoplasmic reticulum) calcium release channels open. calcium diffuses out into sarcoplasm
(in myofibrils) calcium binds to troponin, stimulating contraction
what must happen for muscle relaxation?
action potentials must stop. calcium release channels close. calcium gets pumped back into SR via calcium atpase pumps
what is a twitch
single contraction of muscle. the muscle quickly contracts and relaxes
what is on the twitch graph
action potential, calcium concentration, force
what is a tetanus
there is a high frequency of action potentials that lead to the max amount of force a muscle can generate. muscle is stimulated repeatedly. no relaxation between action potentials.
what does the length tension relationship describe?
the relationship between the size of the sarcomere and the ability to generate force
what is the optimal amount of overlap?
2.0-2.25 um
what happens when the percentage of rest length is shorter than the optimal amount of overlap?
at 1.65, steric hinderance causes a disrupted spacing sue to maximal overlap
what happens when the percentage of rest length is too long?
there will be no overlap. no overlap means the thin and thick can’t reach each other, which means that there is no chance of creating cross bridges, meaning no force can be generated
what are the types of muscle contractions?
isometric & isotonic (which branches into concentric and eccentric)
isometric contraction
muscle length remains constant. you are generating max force. the load is greater than the force. this is like trying to push a parked car.
concentric contraction
active shortening. think CONcentric = CONcise
the muscle shortens with contraction. the force of the contraction exceeds the load. this is when you’re curling a dumbbell and you are lifting your arm up
eccentric contraction
active lengthening. think Eccentric = Elongating
the muscle lengthens with contraction. the load may exceed the force of contraction. this is when you are curling a dumbbell and your arm is going down
what are the determinants of isometric force?
activation frequency, motor unit recruitment, muscle size, sarcomere length
activation frequency
this is how fast the action potentials are being generated (think twitch vs tetanus). a higher activation frequency= more calcium being released from SR, which allows for more cross bridge formation, which allows for higher force
motor unit recruitment
this dictates how much force is being generated. not every movement needs to be a big movement. if you’re flicking something you will recruit more motor units than if you are pushing something
force velocity curve. velocity = distance the muscle shortens / time
as the load increases, the velocity decreases. this makes sense. you can shorten and extend your muscle quicker when you are curling 5lbs compared to 200 lbs
when does the force velocity curve show the maximum shortening velocity?
at 0 load
when does the force velocity curve show the maximum isometric tension?
at 0 shortening velocity. this makes sense. this is when you cant move (like trying to push a car)
what are the 3 energy systems that create ATP needed for myosin and calcium pumping?
phosphagen, glycolytic, aerobic
phosphagenic system
is able to generate/resynthesize ATP at the fastest rate possible. but, creates a limited amount of phosphocreatine. this is what is employed during a 10 second sprint. rapidly converts ADP to ATP
look for PCr domination
glycolytic system
is able to generate/resynthesize ATP at 80% intensity, which can last a few minutes. this is what is employed in a 400 m swim
look for glycolysis domination
aerobic system
is able to generate/resynthesize ATP at a lower intensity, but is virtually unlimited. this is what is employed in marathon runners. occurs in the mitochondria (where glucose and fats are converted to ATP). consumes oxygen. by-product=co2,h20,heat
look for oxidative domination
how do we classify between a slow twitch and a fast twitch fiber?
the contraction speed
what type of fiber is a slow twitch?
type 1
what type of fiber is a fast twitch?
type 2 (2 types of this, 2a & 2x)
what color are slow twitch fibers (type 1)
do slow twitch fibers have a lot or a little capillaries/myoglobin?
do slow twitch fibers have a lot or a little mitochondria?
many. high oxidative capacity
are slow twitch fibers resistant to fatigue?
yes, they are common in endurance muscles
why are fast twitch fibers called fast?
they have a fast contraction time
what is the most predominant type of fast twitch fibers?
type 2a
do fast twitch fibers have a lot or a little mitochondria?
many, but not as many as slow twitch
are fast twitch type 2 fibers resistant to fatigue?
what color are fast twitch type 2x fibers?
white, because they lack myoglobin
what do fast twitch 2x fibers store a lot of ?
do fast twitch 2x fibers have a lot of or a little capillaries and mitochondria?
what is the function for fast twitch 2x fibers?
sprint tasks
type 1 diameter
type 1 z-line thickness
type 1 glycogen content
type 1 resistance to fatigue
type 1 capillaries
type 1 myoglobin content
type 1 respiration
type 1 oxidative capacity
type 1 glycolytic ability
type 1 twitch rate