exam 2 muscle functions Flashcards
inferior constrictor
pulls the lower part of the back wall of the pharynx forward, and draws the side walls of the lower pharynx forward and inward
middle constrictor
pulls forward on the posterior pharyngeal wall and forward and inward on the lateral pharyngeal walls. causes pharyngeal lumen to constrict regionally
pulls upward on the pharynx and pulls the lateral walls outward (widens pharynx)
masseter outer layer
elevation of mandible and approximation of mandible and maxilla; moves mandible side to side
masseter inner layer
elevation and backwards pull on the mandible and approximates jaws
pulls upward and backward on the mandible; moves side to side
pulls upward and backward on the mandible; moves side to side
internal pterygoid
elevation and side to side movement of the mandible
external pterygoid
pulls condyle/mandible forward, downward and side to side
digastric (anterior belly)
pulls upward on the hyoid bone and/or downward on the mandible
mylohyoid or geniohyoid
pulls down on the mandible or upward and forward on the hyoid
superior longitudinal
shortens the tongue, pulls tip upward, pulls lateral margins upward
inferior longitudinal
shortens the tongue, and pulls the tip downward
flattens the tongue
narrows and elongates the tongue
- body of tongue is drawn upward and backward
- side of tongue pulled up
- tongue shortened
- tongue tip pulled toward the side
pulls upward, backward, and inward on the root of the tongue
lowers the tongue body and draws it backwards
genioglossus lower fibers
move tongue root forward forcing tip againsat teeth or out of mouth
genioglossus middle fibers
front of tongue pulled backward
genioglossus upper fibers
centerline of tongue pulled downward to form a depression along its length
orbicularis oris
- move lips toward each other and forward (closure
- move corners of the mouth up, down, toward the side, or toward the midline
- force lips and/or corners of mouth against teeth
- pull the mouth corner back and towards the side
- forces the lip and cheek against the teeth
draws the corner of the mouth backward and towards the side
levator labii superioris
elevates upper lip
levator labii superiors alaeque nasi
elevates the upper lip and nasal segment dilates the anterior nares
zygomatic minor
elevates upper lip and pulls the corner of the mouth upward
zygomatic major
pulls backward on the corner of the mouth, lifts it up and towards the side