Exam 2 - Lecs 4-6 [Chantel] Flashcards
What is Hunger-Obesity Paradox?
Reasons for it?
food insecurity increases risk of obesity
>Overeating when food is available
>Ppl may become more efficient at storing fat (survival)!
>Erratic eating
What helps with weight control?
Meal planning
What makes us choose food? How does this relate to income?
Taste, cost, convenience
>When ppl increase income, they typically don’t change food choices – only buy more expensive brands
What is Energy Density?
calories for a weight/volume of food weight/ volume of food.
> Higher energy density– a lot of cals for a low weight/volume
[ex. white pasta, bread, rice]
Lower energy density— few calsfor a low weight/volume
[ex. fruit, veggies, whole grains]
What are 3 disease risks associated w/ excess body fat?
> Type 2 diabetes
Heart disease
What is BMI? Does it apply to the individual?
does not measure body fat
> Applies to large groups of people, not the individual
What are 2 impt methods for assessing body composition?
> underwater weighing (gold standard!)
>skin-fold thickness
What is Visceral Fat?
INTERIOR FAT >Central Obesity!! >Fat surrounding the organ (btwn muscle and organ) >Poses health risks >Tight stomach, protruding belly
What is Subcutaneous Fat?
> Fat btwn mscl and skin
No health risks
»butt and thigh fat
What is the realtionship btwn waist circumference and disease Risk?
as waist size increases, disease risk increases
What is the set point theory?
The weight at which the body resists weight change
>can increase w/ long term overeating
>can decrease w/ long term physical activity
What is satiety?
the feeling of fullness and satisfaction
>Hunger– physiological response (real)
>Appetite– psychological response (perceived)
What is leptin’s (hormone) role in regulating body fat (long-term)?
> Weight LOSS leads to LESS leptin → stimulates hunger = increased energy intake, and decreases energy expenditure
> Weight GAIN leads to MORE leptin → suppresses appetite = decreased energy intake, and increases energy expenditure
What is Ghrelin’s (hormone) role in regulating energy balance (short-term)?
hormone in stomach that stimulates desire to eat
What is CCK’s (hormone) role in regulating energy balance (short-term)?
hormone in small intestine
>Goes from blood → brain to suppress appetite
[NOT TESTED] What factors contribute to obesity?
> Thrifty Metabolism— efficient at storing fat/energy
Adaptive thermogenesis– decreased energy expenditure
Low brown adipose tissue– fat tissue w/ high mitochondria content
What is obesity? What 3 qualities does one need for treatment?
> chronic disease– leads to other illnesses
**better success w/ cancer treatment
> For treatment: one should be OVERWEIGHT, have RISK FACTORS for chronic diseases, be MOTIVATED
What is the best diet composition for weight management?
> Nutrient composition short-term doesn’t matter
>Eat less!
>Compliance– have to stick w/ the plan! [taste, cost, convenience impt!]
Olive oil– health benefits and satiety
Why do you lose weight on low-carb diets? What is major issue w/ this diet?
> Lose weight bc you eat less, since carbs are in so many foods
Not healthy long-term if skimping on plant foods
What are 4 Components of a Healthy Weight Loss Program?
> CTRL OF ENERGY (calories!)
Increase in energy expenditure (EXERCISE)– to maintain w8 loss
**(flynn) Food improves health
What are some components of a Fad Diet? Why do they work?
>Promise of fast weight loss >Selling a product >Eating behaviors not changed -- >Limit nutrients/food groups or rituals >Testimonials from “famous” ppl >Critical of science community
> > Work bc ppl eat less
What is the major danger associated w/ EDS?
EDS have highest mortality rate of any mental illness
> Mortality rate associated w/ anorexia— 12x higher than death rate of ALL causes of deaths for females 15-24rys old
What are some complications associated w/ Anorexia?
> Bradycardia—heart rate slows, systems shut off
Hypothermia—body doesn’t heat itself to conserve energy
Ostopenia/Osteoporosis—lack of Ca2++ in diet
How did we get info about anorexia?
> self starvation studies with healthy young men
>Showed: the body starts to misfire, brain starts thinking it’s healthy and normal
What are some complications associated w/ Bulimia Nervosa?
Mouth sores and dental erosion
– dentist often 1st to diagnose
What are some complications associated w/ Binge Eating?
>obesity >diabetes >weight related hypertension -- >Abnormal lipid profile
What is the cycle of an ED?
Obsessive Thinking and Compulsive Food Rituals →Reduced stomach size and early satiety → Mscl loss leads to stomach protrusion → Bloating and fluid retention secondary to maturation → fears of fatness reinforced → body image distortion worsens → increased fixation on refusing food and weight loss
How are ED treated?
Multi-disciplinary treatment (medical, psychiatric, nutrition, psychotherapeutic)
> Medical—stability of serum electrolytes, heart fxn, bone health
Psychiatric—treatment of co-existing mood disorders
Nutritional—weight restoration, normalization of eating habits, improve body image
Psycho therapeutic—family therapy, CBT/DBT, acceptance commitment therapy
What are 5 Levels of Care for an ED?
> Inpatient Hospitalization (24hr care)—patient is medically unstable, has poor motivation for recovery
Residential Treatment
Day Treatment
Intensive Outpatient
Outpatient—insurance and patient dependent