Exam 2 Essay Flashcards


Define the Roaring Twenties and elaborate upon the transforming
consumer culture during this era and what were many Americans consuming?


The roaring twenties is with a social economic area that range from 1920 to 1929. It was a post war recession. that feature changes in entertainment and consumerism. The 20s was adopted in progressive urban areas of the north east, which run counter to conservative areas in the Midwest and south because of this traditional ideas went against modern and progressive ideas during this time. Consumerism in the US economy became a lot more driven by the invention of payment installments where you spend now and then you pay gradually overtime later working similar to how in modern day, we see payment installments of paying a small thing and then doing it over a certain time.. Because of the system, and encourage many citizens later, to keep up with the advancing. The consumer debt from the installments tripled so much at 60% purchases were installments in the 1920s. a big factor for big consuming was the spread of electricity to the average work in urban areas for the most part, it contributed to the rapid growth and purchases of household electric appliances. 1920 it was many improvements for a products that was primarily at the time geared at women and domestic labor that helped lessen the burden of housework until they weren’t that much time consuming like electric stoves, fridge and washing machines. this consumer culture that was made during the 1920s also brought about mass advertising to promote brands to people to buy well at least do a payment installment on contributing to more consuming. With ad advertisements promoting stuff from cars to radios to um, cleaners, and also to drinks food.

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two new social trends during the 1920s.


Two new social trends that were becoming present in the 20s was essentially the widening in boundary, pushing sexualities specifically in many cases with women’s sexuality with the existence of flappers and flappers, essentially depicting, younger women or predominantly younger women, retaking, and being a flapper showcasing, nontraditional, social conventions of the time with flappers is being seen worn short, skirts, neck lines that were plunging many of the things that flowers were doing was what men were doing and flappers were essentially just breathtaking and spaces that men doing this entire time like drinking smoking gambling dancing to jazz with these women we’re doing that and having a free period they were seeing as outrageous compared with it being dangerous, which brought into conversation of a guy can do it why can’t a girl and the question how should women act?. Bring attention to flappers during this time was a cartoon called flapper Fanny says, illustrator Ethel hays brought more attention of The flapper. Another social trend that was becoming was the music of the decade essentially being jazz came from it. There was other music the decade, but jazz was like a big part. It was a combination of ragtime music and the blues with the new update in Jasmine musicians in the genre of Jazz, Jasmine began provide the music and entertainment and clubs, and on the radio at the time it was seen as the devil music by critics, and as our put it as an offense against women purity, which can sensually be that jazz was seen as promoting promiscuity in that because of the music that women were expressing sexuality, or becoming more acting out of jazz, got blamed patterns of other cases were deemed in devil just me, but there could be other factors contributing to its title of it being considered devil music.

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Overview the Great Migration and the significance of
the Harlem Renaissance for African Americans.


The great migration that applied to the mass movement of African-Americans, from the poor rule south to northern cities for the look of better jobs. The initial movement will migration started in early 1910s, but picked up significantly in World War I because there was a demand for labor in northern international factories. The Harlem Renaissance came after and was an intellectual social and autistic explosion in the Harlem neighborhood of Manhattan New York spending the 1920s. it was not at the time by name going by the new Negra movement as include cultural expressions from across urban areas and south east in Midwest, affected by the great migration. Renaissance produced and had an of novels poetry in several Broadway plays and short stories by African-American artists. The Ireland Renaissance was characterized by an over racial pride. The goal was to use art music literature, the challenge, racism and stereotypes at the time in uplift African-Americans, essentially being outlet in expressing their side of the story or not Tyler feeling oranges, arranges, artistic expression. It’s significance of the Harlem Renaissance provided outlet for African-Americans to better express themselves the challenge the time as well without it, we would not have many artists like Billie Holiday and writers like zora Neal Hurston.

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Define Modernism and explain how this
emerging social development “clashed” with Americans holding traditional values.


Modernism resulted from broad transformations of the industrial era, and the deliberate separation from Anne rebellion of old-fashioned traditions. Essentially embracing and bring forth newer ideas and many cases going against older traditions of the past. During the 1920s, there was of people claiming to be a modernness or the traditionalist. Many Americans embrace modern technologies and less restrictive, social norms, others objected it strongly, because that was not how things was in their eyes. Monday is having more focus in my technologies in scientific views versus traditionalist, which many of their views could be religious values, and how things were in their eyes. Essentially not wanting to change and not seeing any reason for that to.

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explain U.S. immigration and identify one “Act”—provide one example of anti-immigration


With the opening of the sea transport after World War I immigration from Europe to US resumed the immigration wave from 1890 to 1920 was by the 1920s creating a pushback as research for born people of US Hubbard, near to store high of one and seven. It was many push to limit immigration, and it only became greater with the red scare in the fear of tears terrorism by communist. Was the immigration act of 1924 which reduced European immigration, affecting Italians, Greeks polls and Jewish people. One of the biggest examples of anti-immigrant tension was the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti. These were two Italian immigrants that were arrested tried and convicted in 1921 or armed robbery in which they were supposed to have killed a guard while stealing $10,000. The trial itself was we had compromise event along with a questionable due process.. this child got widespread attention and places like Italy sided riots after numerous, they were both executed in 1927 the case still brings questions to this day

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Discuss the Great Depression by summarizing its causes and resulting socioeconomic
effects on Americans.


The causes of the great depression, where the debt problem with with banks lending, who only way you can countries could pay for debts left over from World War I. When economy slipped into the flat cycle that’s cannot be paid banks, failed the bank, filled American consumers who lost their jobs, and cannot pay their debt . Another problem was weak baking regulations. Small banks had no state and no federal support values plummeted banks, closed, depositors, lost their money, . Their depression was resolved bad with government policy decisions made by the ministration, and the federal reserve board . because of the Great Depression many people lost their jobs and the number of unemployed workers was 4 million in 1930 and with it only increasing to the biggest 12 million in 1932 people were homeless just trying to find works towns like Kville Hooverville, which were shanty towns, made with materials that could be found spraying up around cities . It was probably the only time where people in the US history left the country, then arrived .

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