Exam 2 Drugs Flashcards
Nonselective α and β blocker
Selectivity order: β1 = β2 ≥ α1 > α 2
Has dramatic results in CHF patients
Nonselective β blocker
Selectivity order: β2 = β1 >>>> α
Major effect is to decrease work and O2 demand of heart
Blocks sympathetic bronchodilation, so care must be used in asthmatics and COPDers
May mask the signs of hypoglycemia
Selective α1 blocker
Selectivity order: α1 >>>>>>>> α2
Used to treat HTN
Decreased incidence of reflex tachycardia
Syncope is a common side effect
Reversible α1 and α2 blocker (equal selectivity for both)
Used in treatment of pheochromocytoma
Associated with lots of reflex tachycardia from α2 inhibition (results in increased NE release)
α1 selective agonist
Selectivity order: α1 > α2 >>>> β
Used as a pressor agent with minimal effect on cardiac tissue (no β1 effects), ex to support BP during surgery
Causes increases in vasoconstriction, TPR, and BP
Increase in BP will cause reflex bradycardia
β1 selective agonist
Selectivity order: β1 > β2 >> α
Used to support cardiac function post MI or in CHF
Effects: +inotropy, increased CO, some increase in HR
Nonselective β agonist
Selectivity order: β1 = β2 >>>>> α
Main β1 effect: increased HR and contractility
Selectivity order: α1 = α2 , β1 >> β2
Almost no β2 effect
Direct effects on heart: positive inotropic and chronotropic via β1
Indirect effect: reflex bradycardia (from increased BP) - blocked by atropine
On vessels, acts as a pressor through α1 mediated vasoconstriction (increased BP)
Selectivity: α1 = α2 , β1 = β2
Higher affinity for β2 than α1 , but stronger effect at α1
Increases chronotropy, inotropy, conduction velocity, work of heart, and O2 consumption
At low doses, β2 effect predominates, causing vasodilation and decreasing BP
At higher doses, α1 effect predominates, causing vasoconstriction and increasing BP
β2 selective agonist
Selectivity: β2 >> β1 >>>>>> α
Used to treat bronchospasm
mAChR antagonist
Used to increase HR by blocking vagal tone
At low doses, initial decrease in HR observed before vagal block sets in
Direct acting selective mAChR agonist
Primarily affects urinary and GI tracts
Used to treat urinary retention, heartburn, etc.
Little cardiac effect
Not affected by cholinesterase
Direct acting selective mAChR agonist
No nicotinic activity
Used in diagnosis of bronchial airway hyperreactivity
Little susceptibility to cholinesterase
Cardioselective β-blockers
Metoprolol and Atenolol
Selectivity: β1 >> β2
Indicated in stable CHF pts