Exam 2 Flashcards
What drives blood flow?
Pressure gradient
Pulmonary wedge pressure
Measure of pressure in L atrium
How is stroke volume calculated?
End-diastolic volume minus end-systolic volume
How is ejection fraction calculated?
Why does the right ventricle have a shorter isovolumetric contraction than the left ventricle?
The RV doesn’t require as much pressure to open the pulmonary semilunar valve
More time spent in systole or diastole?
L vs R ventricle: pressure and flow
Both sides eject same vol, (same CO and flow), but pressure and therefore velocity are higher from L side
How is left ventricular ejection fraction calculated?
Ejection fraction = stroke vol / end diastolic vol
What does the S1 heart sound indicate?
Closure of the tricuspid and bicuspid valves in response to ventricular contraction.
Which valve (tricuspid or bicuspid) closes first?
Bicuspid closes just before tricuspid
Why does the pulmonary valve open before the aortic valve?
Lower pressure required to open pulmonary valve than aortic valve. Therefore, R ventricle has shorter period of isovolumetric contraction.
Why does the aortic valve close before the pulmonary valve?
Greater pressure in the systemic circuit than the pulmonary circuit, which forces valve closed sooner.
What does the S2 heart sound indicate?
Closure of the aortic and pulmonary semilunar valves.
Which heart sound can have a normal physiologic split?
Effect of inspiration on R heart
Increased negative intrathoracic pressure results in greater venous return to R atrium and ventricle, increased EDV, and greater R ventricular ejection volume. This delays closure of pulmonary valve (P2), increasing the splitting of S2.
Effect of inspiration on L heart
Increased negative intrathoracic pressure results in retention of blood in pulmonary vv, causing reduced venous return to L atrium/ventricle. This decreases EDV and ejection volume of L ventricle, reducing the duration of L ventricular ejection and accelerating closure of aortic valve (A2), which enhances split of S2.
What are the features of an S3 heart sound?
Occurs early in diastole, after S2
Called protodiastolic gallop
During rapid ventricular filling
Normal in younger people
May indicate ventricular enlargement or decreased compliance
What are the features of an S4 heart sound?
Occurs in late diastole, just before S1
Associated w/ unusually strong atrial contraction
Indicative of pathology
Presystolic gallop
Structural issues that can cause turbulence in heart
Thickening of valve leaflets
Narrowing (stenosis) of valve openings
Holes in chamber walls or septae between chambers
Characteristics of Mitral Insufficiency
Systolic murmur
Results in abnormally high L atrial pressure during ventricular contraction
Characteristics of Mitral Stenosis
Diastolic murmur
L atrial pressure is higher than normal because blood doesn’t move to L ventricle as easily
Characteristics of Aortic Stenosis
Systolic murmur
Much higher L ventricular pressure to overcome stenotic valve
Characteristics of Aortic Insufficiency
Diastolic murmur
Aortic pressure drops below normal level due to regurg of valve
Is valve opening/closing active or passive?
What is the dicrotic notch?
Pressure wave created in the aorta due to the closure of the aortic semilunar valve
Jugular venous pulse waves
A wave: atrial contraction pressure
C wave: pressure from ventricular contraction causing AV valve to bulge into atrium
V wave: increased atrial pressure de to passive filling with AV valve closed
What are large a waves indicative of?
Tricuspid stenosis
R heart failure
What are cannon a waves indicative of?
3º heart block
What does an absence of a waves indicate?
Atrial fibrillation
What does a large v wave indicate?
Tricuspid regurgitation
Effect of Skeletal Muscle “Pump” on Lower Extremity Venous Pressure
Standing: pooling of blood in lower extremity veins causes increased venous pressure in foot
Walking: mm contraction + valves promotes venous return to heart and decreases venous pressure in foot
Equation for work performed by the heart
Work = aortic pressure x change in volume
W = p · ΔV
Tension heat
Consumes the most energy in the heart
Results from splitting of ATP during isovolumetric contraction
No “work” being done because there is no movement
Major determinant of ventricular wall tension
Major determinants of myocardial O2 demand
Wall tension
Heart rate
Contractility (inotropic state)