Exam 2 - Chapter 10 - Internal control risk Flashcards
What are internal control systems?
- What three objectives do they ensure?
Policies and procedures designed to provide management with reasonable assurance of three objectives:
- Reliability of financial reporting
- Efficiency and effectiveness of operations
- Compliance with laws and regulations
What are the responsibilities of managers for internal controls?
- Establish and maintain internal control
- Section 404 requires management to publicly report on operating effectiveness
What are the two key decisions (and their components) that alter maangement’s decisions in establishing internal controls?
Reasonable assurance
Company should develop I.C. that provide reasonable assurance for financial statements
Inherent limitations
- Size of entity (and acct staff)
- Collusion
- Management override
What is collusion?
What is maangement override?
An act of two or more employees work together to commit fraud.
Management override
management does not enforce internal controls and overrides system causing failure
What are the responsibilities of auditors in regards to internal controls?
- Evaluate internal controls to assess risk and designing procedures (all companies)
- Evaluate effectiveness of internal controls (required for public; optional for private)
- Report on the internal control systems (public companies only
What are the auditor’s objectives for understanding internal control?
Controls over reliability of financial reporting
Evaluate controls to maintain compliance to accounting methods
Controls over classes of transactions
prioritize internal controls on maintaining correct transaction types over maintaining correct balances
What are the five Coso components of internal control?
Coso components: internal control framework put in place by management to increase assurance
- Control environment
- Risk assessment
- Control activites
- information and communication
- Monitoring
What is the control enviroment component of Coso framework?
Actions, policies, and procedures that reflect attitudes of top members of company on the importance of maintaining internal controls.
What are the 6 subcomponents of the control environment of a company?
- Integrity and ethical values
- Commitment to competence (adequate staff)
- Board of director or audit committee participation
- Mangement’s philosphy and operating style
- Organizational structure
- Human resource policies and practices
Why are the board of directors important in maintaining adequate control environement?
- Separate from management and has responsibility to ensure mgmt. implements proper I.C.
- Regularly assess control
- Board should create audit committe to oversee financial reporting
What is risk assessment component of COSO?
Management’s identification of areas of greater risk relevant to prep of financial statements.
- MGMT identifies risk
- assess significance (what accts of more likely) of possible risk
- Assess likelihood of risk occuring
- Develop actions to reduce risk
What are the control activities factor of the COSO framework?
What are the five ‘general’ types of control activities?
Implementation of detailed policies and procedures to address and minimize risk.
Activity groups:
- Separation of duties
- Proper authorization of transactions/activities
- Adequate documents/records
- Physical control over assets and records
- Independent checks on performance
What are some examples of adequate documentation and recordkeeping (control activites factor)?
- Prenumbered documents and records (like a check)
- Prepared at transaction time
- One form for multiple info
- Forms that encourage correct prep
What is the information and communication factor of COSO framework?
Effective accounting and management information systems to record, process, and report transactions to maintain transaction-related objectives
- Controls integrated into system like firewalls,
What is the monitoring factor of the COSO framework?
Who often performs this function?
Ongoing and periodic assessment of their controls system?
This function is often performed by the internal audit department of large companies.