Exam 2 - Breast Exam Flashcards
How can you enhance your communication skills with the patient during a breast exam?
Drape the patient carefully Warm hands before touching patient Explain each step of the exam State what you are about to do before you do it Keep eye contact Watch for signs of discomfort
What two things are examined at once?
Breasts and axilla
What’s listed under breast exam ROS?
Review of Systems Lumps Pain or discomfort Nipple discharge Self-examination
What is thelarche?
Breast development = thelarche
*Sign of puberty
What Tanner Stage does menstruation begin at?
Menstruation begins at stage III or IV
How long does it take to progress from stage II to menarche?
From stage II to menarche is about 2 years
T or F: Breasts can develop at different rates in the same individual
Describe Tanner Stage I:
No breast development-preadolescent girls
Describe Tanner Stage II:
Elevation of breast and areola-breast bud stage
Describe Tanner Stage III:
Areola and breast enlargement-adolescence, early adult
Describe Tanner Stage IV:
Areola elevated to above the breast-adolescence, mid adult
Describe Tanner Stage V:
Breast enlarged, areola in contour of the breast itself-late adolescence, adult
What’re you looking for when inspecting the breasts?
Contour Symmetry Vascular pattern Nipples Skin characteristics
What nipple characteristics are you inspecting for?
Skin changes
What skin characteristics are you inspecting for on the breasts?
By inspection, the breasts should:
Be symmetrical, full, rounded, smooth in all portions, without dimpling, retractions or masses
Demonstrate a faint, even vascular pattern and striae
Demonstrate everted nipples with even areola
Demonstrate axillae with even color, without masses or rash
What is polythelia?
Polythelia = extra nipples
What is polymastia?
Polymastia = accessory breasts
Where is breast tissue found?
Breast tissue can be located anywhere along milk lines, from the axilla to the groin
What positions do you inspect the breasts in?
Positions 1. Sitting with arms over head >>Dimpling and retraction 2. Hands pressed against hips >>Dimpling and retraction 3. Leaning forward >>May reveal an asymmetry of the breast or nipple. >>Retraction of nipple and areola suggests cancer
What does retraction of the nipple suggest?
Retraction of nipple and areola suggests cancer
Palpation must be systematic and gentle. What are you palpating for?
Tenderness Nodules Size and Mobility Shape Consistency
Firm tissue, without masses or lumps Local areas without excessive warmth or tenderness Nipples should not have discharge Axillae should be smooth Lymph nodes should not be palpable
T or F: Men should have palpation in breast exam as well as women.
What should not be palpable?
lymph nodes