Exam 2: Auditory Flashcards
psychological experience of loudness measured in decibels (dB).
number of cycles of a wave per unit time.–Frequency in Hz (f)–Period of cycle(T)–f=1/T. The higher the frequency, the higher the pitch of the sound
Outer Ear
Pinna, Auditory meatus, Tympanic membrane (eardrum)
Middle Ear
Oval Window, Ossicles: Must transmit sound energy from air to fluid –boost pressure by focusing force onto small diameter of the oval window
Inner Ear
Pressure waves converted into neural impulses
Mechanoelectrical transduction
(One row of inner hair cells and three rows of outer hair cells, Each hair cell contains many stereocilia with one taller kinocilium, Tiplinks connect the tips of adjacent stereocilia)
Pivot point of the basilar membrane offset from pivot point of the tectorial membrane
basilar membrane displaced àtectorial membrane moves across the tops of the hair cells then stereocilia bend.
K+ ions flow into the hair cell down their electrochemical gradient., Voltage-gated Ca++channels open, Calcium enters, Release neurotransmitter, Graded potentials
How is frequency information stored?
Low-frequency sounds excite basilar membrane motion near the apex.
High-frequency sounds excite basilar membrane motion near the base.
Labeled Line
Labeled line code from inner hair cell through the midbrain and out to cortex, arrangement maintains a “Tonotopic” map –Place code
Phase Locking
Hair cells oscillate opening and closing of cation gates in synchrony with incoming stimulus –i.e. hair cell membrane voltage oscillation encodes stimulus frequency (
How is amplitude information stored?
At higher amplitude stimuli, the efficiency by which the inner hair cell can stimulate the afferent fibers is increased.
Rate Code
Larger hair cell depolarization per single pressure wave event, How many hair cells respond to a given stimulus
Population Code
The higher amplitude of a stimulus, the wider the region of basal membrane is disturbed by the pressure wave
Characteristic Frequency
The frequency that the neuron responds at the lowest amplitude
What is the function of outer hair cells?
the sharp tuning curve in the basilar membrane response
otoacoustic emissions (sounds that come out of the ear)
the non-linear response of the basilar membrane vibration at very low frequencies
Auditory pathway from cochlea primary auditory cortex:
Thalamus: Relay to cortex.
Inferior colliculus: Integration of binaural cues to form a map of auditory space.
Lateral leminiscus: Monaural pathways. Some cells signal onset or duration of sound, regardless of intensity or frequency.
Superior olive and associated nuclei: Detection of binaural cues, ITD and ILD.
Cochlear nuclei and superior olive: Afferent and efferent connections with cochlea
Interaural time differences (ITD) result from the path length difference from a sound source to each of the two ears.
Interaural level differences (ILD) Barn owls have one ear facing up, the other facing down. Sounds above the owl will sound louder in one ear, while sounds below the owl will sound louder in the other. Thus the difference in the level (aka volume) of the sound between the two ears changes with elevation.
What is phase ambiguity? Why is it a problem? How does the auditory system deal with it?
Phase ambiguity is a consequence of the way in which timing information is encoded by the auditory nerve. Deals with it with convergence across frequency bands
Pure tone: multiple locations sound could be coming from
Increase Bandwidth: combine across pure frequencies to narrow down location
Response properties of 2D cells in the ICX Tonotopic map in A1, EE and EI cells:
Each 2D cell in the ICX responds to a specific combination of azimuth and elevation
- ILD detection in one brainstem circuit (LSO)
- ITD detection in a different brainstem circuit (MSO)
- Elimination of phase ambiguity in ICC-ICX projection
- Combination of ITD and ILD information in ICX -> assembly of an auditory space map
Broca’s area
ventral posterior region of the left frontal lobe, sends output to motor areas of cortex, **speech production
Wernicke’s area
posterior and ventral to the auditory cortex, receives info from auditory and sensory, **language comprehension
How do bats use echolocation to locate a target?
In the FM-FM area, comparison of the delays between emitted sonar pulses and their reflections permits the calculation of target range.In the CF/CF area, analysis of the Doppler shifts associated with the constant-frequency component of sonar emission leads to an estimate of target velocity.
Doppler Shift
changes in frequency (sound or light) produced by a moving source with respect to an observer. Waves emitted by an object traveling toward an observer get compressed àhigher frequency as the source approaches the observer. Waves emitted by a source traveling away from an observer get stretched out àlower frequency
Cortical auditory implants
dont fuckin exist