Exam 2 Flashcards
difficulty coordinating and organizing the words correctly.
The patient knows what he wants to say but cannot say the words.
Numbness or a decreased sensation
Dried mucus or food caked on the lips and teeth
Numbness or loss sensation
Severely unpleasant sour breath.
tightening of abdominal muscles.
the rushing of blood through a vessel such as the carotid artery
High fowler
60-90 deegrees, For patients that have nagogastric tube. Respiratory distress.
Concern is that when you are in this posistio, it is too much pressure on the coccyx.
45-60 deegress.
Facilitates chest expansion
During tube feeding it prevents peristalsis while minimizing aspiration.
Trochanter roll
lateral aspect of the patient’s thigh to prevent outward rotation of the leg.
When the skin is pulled away from the muscle and bones.
Position of function
When the patient are in alignment to maintain the potential for their use and movement
Orthopneic posistion
When the patient is in severe respiratry distress.
When you administer a rectal enema.
Orthostatic hypotension
Patient’s blood pressure decreases with a change of position.
Dorsal recumbent
perineal care
Where do you put the pillows for left lateral posistion
Between the knees, ankles and at the back
What type of care does spinal surgery patient need?
Have a total of 3 health care staff assist with the turn.
Logroll the patient
Have one person at the patient’s head to direct the turn.
Purpose of dangle
TO determine if the patient can tolerate changing position
Stability to assist a patient with ambulation?
Place your feet in front of the patient’s feet and your knees against the patients knees.
Abduction pillow
To keep the hip abducted after a total hip replacement.
Common condition that requires a joint replacement
Resons for amputation
Severe tissue damage
Severly decrease blood flow to the limb
Gangrene (death of tissue)
Ilizarov frame
External fixator composed of
Care of the pin insertion sites
Cleaning the area with hydrogen peroxide or normal saline solution as ordered.
Inspecting the site for signs and symptoms of infection
Articular surfaces in a total knee replacement
A metal tibial component that articculates with the plastic surface of the femoral component.
The patella is replace with plastic or similarsubstance or has affixed to the back to provide a smooth articular surface.
Advantage of multipronged cane
It decreases the chance of the cane slipping.
A patient using a cane should
Move the unaffected leg and the cane together, and then move the affected leg.
Correct fitment of a walker
to the patients hips
The elbow is at 30 degrees.
Left leg is weak
Move walker and your left leg forward at the same time, and then move your right leg forward.
two-point gait
patient who can bear partial weight
3-point gait
patient who is unable to bear weight
4 point gait
patient able to bear weight on the affected limb
swing-to gait
patient can bear weight but swing the cruchtes forward at the same time.
Swing-through gait
same as swing-to gait except that the patient swings feet first.
During abdominal surgery
Reverse trendelenburg
After certain angiography procedures, allows head of bed to be elevated.
Lateral (Side)
promote lung and cardiac function
Left sims
rectal enemas
right sims
Relieve pressure on the coccyx and sacrum
Low fowler (30 degrees)
relieveaspiration during tube feeding.
to improve oxygenated in patients with acute care.