Exam 2 Flashcards
What are the general characteristics of classical civilizations?
- These societies became geographically larger and more complex.
- Homogenization of the gene pool also took place during this time period.
- Many great religious and philosophical traditions arose.
- The empire is a dominant political structure of this time period.
What are the tenants of Jainism?
- Transmigration of the soul
- Monastic vows
- Ahimsa
What were the characteristics of the Mauryan Empire?
- ruled centrally from Magadha
- four larger provinces ruled by delegated powers
- relations with outsiders were friendly
What is the relationship between the Brahmanic religion and Hinduism?
- Hinduism developed from the Brahmanic religion
- Brahmins were still in high positions of power, but individuals could now make a personal connection with the gods
How is Hinduism different from Buddhism and Jainism?
- Hinduism was not a challenge to the Brahmanic religion
- Hindus accepted the caste system and acknowledged the Vedas as sacred religious revelations
What tactics did Chandragupta use to keep control of such a large empire?
- He sent agents to keep him informed of the conditions of them all, and delegated power.
- His military might could defend an attack
After 185 BC, who were the major powers in Northern India?
Shakas and Kushans
Why was the Qin dynasty so brief?
The stability of the government was dependent on Shi Huangdi’s strength and character due to the Legalists institutions designed to concentrate power–his heir proved ineffective and was murdered, causing uprisings
Who were the Qin?
The Qin were the people of the Qin dynasty who adopted Legalist policies during the Warring States period. They defeated the last of their rivals and unified China for the first time ever. The government was very centralized, and it did not last long.
What is the central text of Daoism? Who was the author, and what did it teach?
- Zhuangzi, written by Zhuangzi
- It taught that people fear what they do not know, the most important of truths cannot be written down or explained to others, only experienced.
- These teachings were taught with many parables
How did the Greek city-states influence the larger Mediterranean world and the Near East?
- Little to do with their unique form of government
- The spread of Greek cities had a more lasting effect
- The culture that was established in these cities lasted throughout all the empires that ruled over it, even though the government was constantly changing with each ruler.
- Greek coins spread throughout all these areas–whether newly introduced or replacing what was already there–this led to more integration and standardization throughout the economy.
- Alexandrian coinage created an unprecedented degree of monetary unity, and the whole
- The Mediterranean and Near East became monetized.
What are the similarities between the Roman and the Han Empires?
They overlapped in the time period. They were both large and complex, ruled by monarchs, bureaucracies, and standing armies. Both reached the people through taxation and conscription and invested in road and waterways. They both faced the issue of land becoming too concentrated and tried to combat that. Both had gradual cultural assimilation of conquered territories.
Which characteristics of the Olmecs served as a cultural foundation for other Mesoamerican societies?
Religion, trade tactics, technology, large pyramid temples, sacrificial rituals, 365-day year calendar
What are the similarities and differences between the societies in Mesoamerica, the Andes, and North America?
- Similarities: divided themselves by positions and wealth, adapted and reshaped their environment, some organized into city-states, agriculture-based communities
- Differences: did it all on their own with no outside influence, most were not characterized as civilizations, way less grain and only one large domesticated animal, way wetter, did not need irrigation
How did the environment affect the course of history for American peoples?
It didn’t allow for very much communication with other cities, the climate allowed for little grain, but a great variety of other crops
What effects did the environment have on the course of history in Africa?
The geographical differences caused uneven population distribution, the greatest population being along the Congo River.
Who were the Bantu, and what effect did they have on sub-Saharan Africa?
They are responsible for the spread of iron all throughout Africa due to their migrations
Who were the people of the Middle Niger?
Settled along the river and may have created urban areas, used the river and had communities that specialized in certain things, interdependent on each other, no central government or bureaucracy, Bantu-speaking
Why did sub-Saharan Africa experience significant population growth after about 500 CE?
Bananas were brought from Asia, they were easy to prepare and quick to grow, they grew in wetter areas and were drought resistant
How did Ashoka rule the Mauryan Empire?
He ruled centrally and was overall a very moral person
How were the Shang and Zhou periods different?
The Shang was very centralized, and the Zhou was very decentralized.
The Shang was specialized in bronze metallurgy, while the Zhou was advancing with tools of iron.