Exam 2 Flashcards
participants are carefully informed about a study’s hypotheses
Principle of Respect for Persons
individuals should be free to make up their own minds about whether they want to participate in a research study and are entitled to the precaution of informed consent
Informed Consent
Each person learns about the research project, considers its risks and benefits, and decides whether to participate
Principle of Beneficence
researchers must take precautions to protect participants from harm and to ensure their well-being
Anonymous Study
Researchers do not collect any potentially identifying information, including names, birthdays, photos, and so on.
Confidential Study
researchers collect some identifying information, but prevent it from being disclosed
Principle of Justice
Calls for a fair balance between the kinds of people who participate in research and the kinds of people who benefit from it.
Institutional Review Board
A committee responsible for interpreting ethical principles and ensuring that research using human participants is conducted ethically.
Omission- withholding some details of the study from participants
Commission - Lying to participants
Data Fabrication
Occurs when, instead of recording what really happened in a study, researchers invent data that fit their hypotheses
Data Falsification
Occurs when researchers influence a study’s results.
representing the ideas or words of others as one’s own.
The Three R’s of Animal Care Guidelines.
Name and Describe them:
Replacement - Researchers should find alternatives to animals in research when possible
Refinement - Researchers must modify experimental procedures to minimize or eliminate animal distress
Reduction Researchers should adopt experimental designs and procedures that require the fewest animal subjects possible
Self-Report Measure
Operationalizes a variable by recording people’s answers to questions about themselves in a questionnaire or interview.
Observational Measure
AKA Behavioral Measure, operationalizes a variable by recording observable behaviors or physical traces of behavior
Physiological Measure
Operationalizes a variable by recording biological data, such as brain activity, hormone levels, or heart rate
Categorical Variables
Categories such as sex and species
Quantitative Variables
Coded with meaningful numbers
Ordinal Scale
When the numbers of a quantitative variable represent a ranked order.