Exam 2 Flashcards
Axons and Axon Terminals
Portion of neuron that SENDS signals
The extension from the cell body
Cell body
Central part of the Neuron
Space between neurons where chemical messages are transmitted
Myelin Sheath
Insulator wrapped around the axons
Action Potential
electrical impulse that travels down the axon triggering the release of neurotransmitters
Chemical transmitters between neurons
Chemical specialized in pain reduction
Neural plasticity
Ability of the nervous system to change
Central nervous system
part of nervous system containing brain and spinal cord that controls the mind and behavior
Peripheral Nervous System
nerves in the body that extend outside the central nervous system (CNS)
Corpus Callosum
Bundle of nerve fibers connecting the cerebrum’s two hemispheres
Frontal Lobe
forward part of cerebral cortex responsible for motor function, language, memory, and planning
part of the brain responsible for maintaining a constant internal state
part of limbic system that plays key roles in fear, excitement, and arousal
part of the brain that plays a role in spatial memory
Parietal Lobe
upper middle part of the cerebral cortex lying behind the frontal lobe that is specialized for touch and perception
Temporal Lobe
lower part of cerebral cortex that plays roles in hearing, understanding language, and memory
back part of cerebral cortex specialized for vision
brain structure responsible for our sense of balance
Somatic nervous system
part of the nervous system that conveys information between the CNS and the body, controlling and coordinating voluntary movement
autonomic nervous system
part of the nervous system controlling the involuntary actions of our internal organs and glands, which (along with the limbic system) participates in emotion regulation
sympathetic nervous system
division of the autonomic nervous system engaged during a crisis or after actions requiring fight or flight
Parasympathetic nervous system
division of autonomic nervous system that controls rest and digestion
Endocrine system
system of glands and hormones that controls secretion of blood-borne chemical messengers
CT scan
a scanning technique using multiple X-rays to construct three-dimensional images
recording of brain’s electrical activity at the surface of the skull
technique that uses magnetic fields to visualize brain activity using changes in blood oxygen level
changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression
percentage of the variability in a trait across individuals that is due to genes
the passing on of physical or mental characteristics genetically from one generation to another
Classical conditioning
form of learning in which animals come to respond to a previously neutral stimulus that had been paired with another stimulus that elicits an automatic response
Unconditional response
stimulus that elicits an automatic response
unconditioned stimulus
stimulus that elicits an automatic response