Exam 2 Flashcards
The DSM-5 includes __________ new depressive disorders.
2, disruptive mood regulation and premenstrual dysphoric disorder
According to the DSM-5, bereavement-related symptoms are no longer excluded from the diagnosis of
major depressive disorder
About ____ percent of people with MDD during their lifetime will also meet the criteria of an anxiety disorder at some point.
The most prevalent disorder in the US is
___ as many girls as boys are exposed to CSA
Which of the following treatments for seasonal affective disorder is now considered a first-line recommendation in the APA Treatment Guidelines for Depression?
regular bright ligth exposure
What is required for the diagnosis of Bipolar II?
at least one episode of depression
Chronic, milder form of bipolar disorder?
____ of people with bipolar disorder also have anxiety?
Which disorder has a high heritablility estimate?
Trp depletion has been shown to
lower serotonin levels
HIgh levesl of expressed emotion
predict relaspes in depression
hopelessness theory
cognitive diatheses that lead to negative attributions.
global, permanent causes
In bipolar, depressive episodes are likely
triggered by the same causes as MDD
Jolynn was experiencing major depression, and she went to a therapist who treated her with interpersonal therapy. Her therapist probably encouraged her to
examine her own ways of relating to people in her environment
Across paradigms, treatment of mood disorders typically includes
can be a highly effective in treating some cases of chronic depression, especially depression with psychotic features.
Medications as a treatment for depression
are used most effectively in conjunction with therapy
A recent study showed that the use of antidepressants for people with bipolar disorder
does not confer any benefit in treating depression when added to a mood stabilizer.
studies in the epidiemiology of suicide suggest that
men are more liely to attempt