Exam 2 Flashcards
Ethic of kinship
Universal rule which states that you should be nice to your kinsmen and that you have rights and obligations towards eachother. “Blood is thicker than water”
How you classify and treat people around you. Provides a road map/model/template for interaction, kinship is the basis of social organization in many societies
Consanguineal Kin
Relatives by birth. Ex - Mother, father, brother, sister
Affinal Kin
Relatives by marriage. Ex - In laws
Finctive Kin
Relationship between non-kin based on the ethic of kinship model (god parents)
Eskimo Kinship system
What we use.
Used by yanomamo. Mothers sister is also mom, and dads mom daughter is wife.
Arranged marriages
Can be employed as part of a families strategy for sociopolitical and economic advancement.
One husband and one wife (western world)
One man, multiple women. In new gunia most societies allow but only high status males have multiple wives. (women that raise pigs have more prestige)
One wife, multiple husbands. (Tibetan example - Brothers share a wife and all share equal sexual access to her)
Must marry within the group. Orthodox Jews
Must marry outside the group. Can be exceptions for very powerful people.
Couples move into a new household
Couples move in with husbands family
Couple moves in with wife’s family
Wealth moves from brides family in marriage. Woman must bring wealth with her into the marriage, found in societies where women are economic burdens
Wealth moves from the grooms family. Pigs, camels, goats are given as compensation for the loss of a laborer. Found in societies where women are viewed as economic assets.
Man dies, so brother get the right to marry the widower
Woman dies, so sister marries the husband.
Social institution, found in all societies, unites individuals into cooperative groups that over see the bearing and raising of children
Nuclear family
Family unit composed of one or two parents and children. Good=Independence Bad=Vulnerability, must pay for day care
Extended Family
Family unit that includes parents and children as well as other kind. Typical of intensive agricultural societies. Good=Large safety net, lots of free labor. Bad=less independence, and conflict