Exam 2 Flashcards
complete destruction or elimination of all living microorganisms.
Medical asepsis
reduction in numbers of infectious agents, which, in turn, decreases the probability of infection but does not necessarily reduce it to zero.
Surgical asepsis
procedure used to prevent contamination by microbes and endospores before, during, or after surgery using sterile technique.
Chemical asepsis
The use of disinfectants or antiseptics to alter the environment available to the microbe.
Exogenous transmitted diseases
result from an encounter with a microbe in the environment.
Endogenous transmitted diseases
result of encounters with organisms already present in or on the body.
Nosocomial infection
hospital acquired condition. Generally occurring 72 hours after admittance.
iatrogenic infection
an infection that is the result of intervention with a physician.
Transmission based precautions:
Designed to place a barrier to the spread of highly infectious diseases between persons with such diseases ask the persons caring for them. Three routes: Air, Droplet, contact
Transmission based precautions: Airborne
Examples: tuberculosis, chicken pox and measles. Precautions: private room, standard precautions, mask for patient.
Transmission based precautions: Droplet
Spread by sneezing, coughing, talking, etc. Examples: influenza, rebel, pneumonias, meningococcal meningitis. Precautions: Private room, mask, standard precautions.
Transmission bases precautions: Contact
Direct contact: person actually touches an infected or colonized body surface. Indirect contact: person comes in contact with an object that has been contaminated. Precautions: private room, gloves, wear gown, standard precautions.
Standard precautions:
precautions used to prevent the transmission of disease by body fluids and substances.
Sterile field
the work area where sterile supplies are placed for procedures. It is considered free of microorganisms.
Exams using sterile technique:
Angiography Atrhrography Myelography Hysterosalpingography Exams in the operating room
Only ____ items are used in sterile fields.
If in doubt about the sterility of an object:
Consider it unsterile
Sterile field must be ______ to be considered sterile.
continually monitored
T/F: Create sterile fields as close to time of use as possible
Sterile persons should avoid:
unsterile areas
Anything below level of table or level of waist is considered:
The undersurface of the drape is considered:
Sleeves on gowns are considered:
Front of waist is considered:
Back of gown and below waist is considered:
Persons in sterile gown and gloves must pass each other:
back to back
A sterile person may touch only:
what is sterile
Unsterile persons ________ reach above or over a sterile field.
T/F: Sterile materials are still considered sterile when wet.
If solution soaks through a sterile field to non sterile, then:
wet area may be redraped.
Sterile gloves must be kept _____ and ______ waist level.
in sight/above.
Sterile field is established using:
a sterile drape
How to confirm that the package containing the drape is sterile
Must be clean and dry
Check expiration date
Not opened
Opening a sterile package:
Place package on center of surface.
Open package away from you.
Do not let any unsterile object touch insides of package.
Drop sterile towels on sterile field while wrapping away from sterile field.
Drop approximately 6 inches above the field at a slight angle.
Use free hand to hold back wrapping from touching sterile field.
Neonatal Contact shielding:
placing lead directly on infant’s gonad
Neonatal shadow shielding
hanging a piece of lead in the beam to cast a shadow in the collimator light
Shadow shielding requires:
low levels of ambient light
Contact shielding has a greater potential for
What two things are major threats resulting significant morbidity and mortality each year in neonatal unit?
Sepsis and nosocomial infections
the use of equipment and exams where it is unnecessary to maintain a sterile environment.
NG tubes
plastic or rubber tubes inserted through the nasopharynx into stomach. Primarily used for decompression or removal of flatus (gas) and fluid from stomach.
When NG tubes are used for feeding, they are connected to:
an electronic pump that controls and measures intake as well as signals any interruption in feeding.
RT’s perform abdominal films on patients with NG tubes to:
confirm placement of these tubes
Be careful when moving patients with NG tubes….why?
Because you may dislodge the tube.
NG tubes are generally hooked to:
low pressure suction.
If patient is continually being suctioned then:
Dr’s orders are needed to stop in order to remove pt from room.
Removal of NG tube is usually performed by
a nurse
_____ are typically all that is needed to handle the end of an NG tube.
During occasions when RT is assisting patient using urinal:
Provide privacy
Offer a washcloth
Do not discard urine if being monitored.
Describe process of emptying urinal when urine is not being monitored.
Wear gloves empty contents rinse with cold water place with soiled supplies remove gloves wash hands
Things to remember when using bedpans
Used for dedication and for urination for female
If necessary to move patient, use two people.
Fracture pan is lower to accommodate trauma patient.
Wear gloves/wash.
Hypotonic enema
uses tap water to cleanse colon.
Hypertonic enema
used when patient can t tolerate large amounts of fluid.
Barium enema is used for:
to diagnose pathology and conditions of colon or lower GI tract.
The most common complication of a barium enema is
damage to the rectal wall due to overinflation of the balloon catheter.
Double-contrast barium enema indicated for:
diarrhea high risk-cases polyps family history personal history of cancer rectal bleeding
Single-contrast barium enema indicated for:
gross pathology fistulas acute appendicitis or diverticulitis intussusception obstruction
What kinds of drugs are used with barium enema?
Glucagon is administered immediately before exam to relieve bowel spasm.
Post barium enema instructions
Lack of bowel movement 24 hours post procedure should prompt patient to contact physician.
Symptoms such as bleeding, weakness, constipation & abdominal pain should be brought to physicians’s attention.
What is a colostomy?
surgical creation of an opening between the colon and surface of the body, due to trauma, cancer, diverticulitis, colitis, etc. May be permanent or temporary.
a situation in which the condition of a patient or a sudden change in medical status requires immediate action
General priorities during an emergency situation
Ensure open airway Control bleeding Prevent or treat shock Attend to wounds or fractures Provide emotional support Continually reevaluate and follow up appropriately.
Emergency cart
Emergency cart contains drugs and equipment needed to respond to life threatening situations
Automatic External Defibrillator. Application of external electrical shock to restore normal cardiac rhythm and rate
Public Access Defibrillation. Can be fully automatic or semi-automatic.
Ventricular fibrillation
is a fluttering or ineffective cardiac rhythm that results in heart’s inability to pump blood. AED helps restore ventricular rhythm.
The simplest way to classify head injuries is
level of consciousness
Level of consciousness are
Alert & conscious Drowsy but responds Alert someone Unconscious Get help Comatose & unresponsive Call a code
Signs of Deteriorating Situations
Slowing pulse rate
Slowing respiratory rate
Response by RT during medical emergency
Maintain open airway
Move pt as little as possible
Procedure stopped
Medical assistance obtained ASAP