exam 2 Flashcards
the process of putting things into classes
branch of science concerned with the rules of classifying organisms on the basis of evolutionary relationships
similarities between organisms based on descent from a common ancestor
similarities between organisms based strictly on common function, with no assumed common evolutionary descent
homoplasts/convergent evolution
species in similar environments may evolve similar traits, Eben though their common ancestor lacked those traits
an approach to classification that attempts to make rigourous evolutionary interpretations based solely on analysis of certain type of homogoulous traits
a group of organisms sharing a common ancestor
ancestral traits
one that was present in the common ancestor of the clade
derived traits
one that has arisen by changing the ancestral form
chart showing evolutionary relationships based solely on interpretation of shared derived traits
phylogenetic traits
chart showing evolutionary relationships that contains a time component and implies ancestor-descendant relationships
process by which a new species evolves from an earlier species, most basic process of macroevolution
paleo species
species defined from fossil evidence, but only inferred to be reproductively isolated
adaptive radiation
relatively rapid expansion and diversification of life0forms when they move into new ecological niches
generalized species
adapted to be able to perform a wide variety of tasks and to change their behavior in response to the environment
specialized species
adapted to do only a few things, but do them very well
idea that evolution is slow, steady, incremental and cumulative
punctuated equilibrium
idea that evolution is made up of long periods of stability seated by periods of rapid change
geological time scale
division of earth’s history
100’s of millions of years
scores of millions of years
10s of millions to millions of years
in utero development
slower development
heterodont detention
having different kinds of teeth (incisors, canines, premolars, and molars)
able to maintain internal body temperature
egg-laying mammals
pouched mammals
placental mammals
develop over long periods of time in utero
includes lemurs, lorises, tarsiers, monkeys and apes
all primates that are not lemurs, lorises, or tarsiers
all primates without a tail
great apes including humans
humans and human ancestors
common characteristics of most primates
erect posture, flexible limb structure, prehensile hands, five digits on each hand, opposable thumbs, fingernails, tactile pads, omnivory, vision dominates over olfaction
arboreal lifestyle
life in trees
quadrupedal locomotion
on four feet
vertical clinging/leaping
hanging on vertical trees, then leaping with the hind legs
arm-swinging, hanging from a branch and swinging from one arm to the other
quadrupedal walking, but with weight supported on front knuckles
walking on 2 feet
behavioral ecology
study of the evolution of behavior, emphasizing the role of ecological factors as agents of natural selection
social structure
composition, size, and sex ratio of a group of animals
diet and nutritional requirements, protection from predators and dispersal
dominance hierarchy
system of social organization wherein individuals with in a group are ranked relative to one another
any act that conveys information in the form of a message, to another individuals
sequences of repetitious behavior that serve to communicate emotional states
one animal picking through the fur of another to remove dirt, parasites and other materials that may be present
aggressive actions
against one another
affiliative actions
reinforce social bonds to promote group cohesion
core area
part of a troupe’s home range that contains the most food/water, defended
home range
area through which the primate group claims the right to move and stays
ability to identify the feelings and thoughts pf another individual
desire to change feelings/thoughts of others so that they are comfortable/content
attributing human characteristics to animals when they are not present
friendships/between two individuals
actions that benefit another individual but at some potential risk to the one performing the action
altruistic actions will be returned in the future
sexual selections
natural selection that operates on only one sex within a species
killing of an infant
tool use
use of objects to accomplish a task more efficiently
standardized system of vocal sounds, written symbols, or gestures used in communication