Exam 2 Flashcards
How many modes of communication are there?
There are four
What are the 4 modes of communication?
- language
- facial expression
- body language
- voice
What is included in the voice mode of communication?
Pitch and hesitation
What is psycholinguistics?
The study of the factors that allow people to acquire, use, and understand language; communicate information
What did the linguist Deborah Tannen (1991) contribute to the gender differences in language use?
- Different cultures hypothesis - men and women communicated as if they were from two different cultures
- Different goals in communication
What were the different goals in communication between women and men?
Women: conversation maintenance (affiliation)
- affiliated goals
Men: conversation dominance
- dominate goals
What are tag questions?
A short phrase is added to a sentence, which turns it into a question
- “It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?”
What is an example of disclaimers?
“I may be wrong, but…”
What is an example of hedges?
And what is the d value?
Weakens or softens a statement
- “sort of”
- “This is kind of like…”
d= -015
What is an example of intensifers?
And what is the d value?
“Very”, “really”
d= -0.38
What is tentativeness?
Using language such as “sort of” to soften their language
Who did the meta-analysis for tentativeness?
Leaper and Robnett
What did the meta-analysis by Leaper and Robnett for tentativeness say?
That they are context moderates gender differences in tentativeness
- seeing how people act while communicating in public
- Lab studies: d= -0.28
- Naturalistic studies: d= -0.09
What is a form of interruption in language use?
True or False: Women interrupt men more than men interrupt women
Men interrupt women more than women interrupt men
What are the meaning of interruptions?
- Express power, control
- Express disagreement
- Change the subject
- Request clarification
- Express agreement or support
What are the dominating forms of interrupting?
- Express power, control
- Express disagreement
- Change the subject
What are the gender differences in language use in terms of children’s speech?
Girls use more affiliative speech (e.g., praise or agreement) (adopting extreme versions of stereotype) than boys
d= 0.26
Boys use more assertive speech (e.g., criticisms) than girls
d= 0.10
Do gender differences in language use shrink in adulthood?
Yes gender differences do shrink in adulthood
d= -0.12
What are the applications of verbal communication?
Persuade, solve problems, and connect with people
Communicate therapy
What are female-linked topics?
- More references to relationships (e.g., sister, friend, boyfriend)
- More references to emotions (e.g., use of terms and use of emotions)
What are male-linked topics?
- More swearing, references to sports and occupations
- Lacked reference to emotions or positive social relationships
What is the gender stereotype about emotionality?
Cross-culturally, women are stereotyped as the emotional sex
What is the gender stereotype about specific emotions?
Some emotions are stereotyped as “female”, others as “male”
What are female emotions associated as?
Female emotions both positive and negative
What are male emotions associated with?
Males emotions are associated with dominance
What are the politics of emotion?
- Regulate behavior
- Emotional control
- Leadership
What is the experience of emotion theory?
Men and women don’t differ in experience of emotion
What is the expression of emotion theory?
Men and women differ greatly in expression of emotion
What are display rules?
Culture’s rules for which emotions can be expressed or displayed and by whom
What are the ways to measure emotion?
- Physiological
- Subjective experience (self-report)
- Observations of emotional expression
How do you measure emotion physiologically?
- E.g., heart rate, blood pressure, and skin conductance
- Neuroimaging techniques (fMRI)
How do you measure observations of emotional expression?
- Direct observation by a perceiver
- Measures of facial muscle activation through EMG
What did John Cacioppo and Richard Petty use?
Used facial EMG to identify muscle activity associated with attitudes
- Electrodes on the face to pick up muscle activity
What are messages that Richard Petty agreed with?
Muscles in cheek is associated with happiness
What are messages that Richard Petty disagreed with?
Muscles in forehead associated with sadness and distress
What are the two types of expressions?
Externalizers and Internalizers
Whar are the gender differences in emotional experience and expression according to Kring and Gordon’s 1998 research?
- Women were more facially expressive than men
- But, patterns of gender differences depended on the aspect of emotion being measured
- Women were externalizers (facially expressive) measured by videos
- Men were internalizers (physiologically reactive)
Were women or men more expressive across films?
Women were more expressive than men across all films
What did women show more of compared to men in regards to emotions on the films?
- Women showed more positive and negative emotional expressions
- Men showed more skin conductance (sweating) in response to fear and anger related films
What are the gender differences in emotional experience and expression?
- Girls and women use more emotional words and talk more about their emotions than boys and men do
- Women report greater emotional intensity than men
- By elementary school, girls are better than boys at controlling their emotions and displaying socially appropriate emotions
What are automatic/unconscious social influences?
Mimicry and the chameleon effect
What is mimicry?
Copying the behavior, language, and physical appearance of others
What is the chameleon effect or behavioral effect?
- Tendency to adopt the postures, gestures and mannerisms of interaction partners
- Trained confederates to repeat behaviors (rub face or shake leg)
- Observed behavior of participants
What is the evolutionary role of mimicry?
Communication and survival
- Infants mimic within 72 hours of birth
- 9-month olds: mimic abstract emotions (e.g., sadness, joy)
What do animals mimic?
Vocal, behavioral
What is the social role of mimicry?
It fosters affiliation, rapport, and liking
What happens when confederates mimic the behavior of interaction partners?
- Greater liking of confederates
- Smoother interaction
What should you do if you are feeling ostracized from a group?
Mimic to increase belonging
What do men prefer for interpersonal distance?
men prefer larger interpersonal distance
What are the effects of gender, gender role identification, and sexual orientation on interpersonal distance?
There are effects of interpersonal distance seen with gender
There are minimal effects of interpersonal distance seen by sexual orientation
Why do we smile?
- To communicate friendliness?
- To communicate subservience?
- Part of female role
What are the gender differences in smiling within a lifespan?
- Infancy and childhood: nonexistent d= -0.01
- In adolescence, the gender difference grows to d= -0.56
- Middle adulthood: d= -0.30
- Other adulthood: d= -0.11
What does eye contact reflect?
Patterns of power and dominance
What is the visual dominance ratio?
The ratio of the percentage of time looking into someone’s eyes while speaking relative to the percentage of time looking into someone’s eyes while listening
- Men show higher visual dominance but when women have power, they become visually dominant
What are the two types of posture?
- Contractive posture
- Expansive posture such as manspreading
What does language reflect?
Language reflects thought processes
- If we change how we think, language will follow
What happens when you use sexist language?
Sexist language shapes our thoughts about women and men
- Language encodes power inequalities, can normalize bias