Exam 2 Flashcards
What is the oculo motor Foramen
It is the center of the common tendinous ring
What are the origins for
The rectus muscles
-What is the beefiest eye muscle
-Longest thinnest
-only muscle with organ at anterior orbit
-What is the beefiest eye muscle- MR
-Longest thinnest- SO
-shortest- IO
-only muscle with orgin at anterior orbit - IO
What muscles share muscle sheath with LPS, what movement does this cause
SR, when looking up the eye lid lifts
Primary action:
Secondary action:
Orgin: maxillary bone
Attachment: lateral/ posterior/ inferior of globe
Primary action: extort
Secondary action: abduct, elevate
Primary action:
Secondary action:
Orgin: 1. Lesser wing medial to optic nerve 2. Trochlea
Attachment: superior/ lateral/ posterior of globe
Primary action: intorsion
Secondary action: abduct depress
What eye movements would a pt with optic neuritis have pain with
Pt OD cant depress, what muscle not working
Pt left gaze restriction can be due to
Neurological: CN VI palsy
Mechanical: MR mechanically restricted
Where is cerebrospinal fluid made? What is it made by?
By the choroid plexus in the 4 ventricles
Where are the ventricles located that make CSF
3- in diencephalon
4-between pons and medulla
The two lateral ventricles - diencephalon
Interventricular Foramen connects …..
Lateral ventricles and 3rd ventricles
Cerebral aqueduct connects …..
3rd and 4th ventricles
Describe CSF path way
4th ventricle > subarachnoid space> arachnoid granulation (drains back into venous circulation)
Frontal eye field
What does it do?
Where is it located?
Frontal eye field
What does it do?
-Eye movement (voluntary and reflex)
-talks to EOM via paramedian pointine reticular (in pons)
Where is it located? Frontal cortex
Striate Cortex
What does it do?
Where is it located?
Striate Cortex
What does it do?
-visual processing
Where is it located?
-occipital cortex
Location? (Name two areas)
What does it do?
Location? (Name two areas)
1. Thalamus
2. Diencephelon
What does it do?
Receives visual info from optic tract
What is connected to pineal gland
Superior colliculus
What does it do
Where is it located
Inferior colliculus
What does it do
Where is it located
Superior colliculus
What does it do
- gets visual info from LGN
-eye movement reflex
-orientation look at object of interest
Where is it located
Inferior colliculus
What does it do
-gets auditory info for reflex
Where is it located
CN III is inbetween what two structures of the midbrain
Pons and cerebral peduncle.
What communicates to PPRF
Frontal eye field
Superior colliculus
Medulla oblongata houses what nucluei
Autonomic reflex center
CN9 through 12
Intracranial HTN leads to what palsy
Name nuclei of midbrain
Name nuclei of pons
Name nuclei of midbrain
1. Oculomotor
3. accesory oculomotor (edinger westphal)_ para sympathetic inervasion
Name nuclei of pons
CN 5 through 8 (8 is vestibulocochlear)
Paramedian pointine reticular formation (PRRF)
Cranial nerves of brain stem
- Oculomotor (3)
- Trochlea (4)
- Abducens 6
Damage to one oculomotor nucleus for SR will affect (one SR muscle/ both SR muscles)
Explain oculomotor pathway
LPS orgin
lesser wing of the sphenoid above the optic canal