exam 1 Flashcards
what is the ora serrata
the end of the retina
name the cranial bones
(which ones paired?)
How many total bones
- frontal - 1
- parietal -2
- temporal - 2
- occipital -1
- sphenoid -1
- ethmoid -1
8 total
name facial bones
name the cranial bones
(which ones paired?)
How many total bones
- nasal - 2
- maxilla - 2
- zygomatic - 2
- inferior nasal conchae - 2
5.palatine - 2 - lacrimal - 2
- mandible - 1
- vomer - 1
(14 total)
crista gali is part of what bone
name meningies (inner to outer)
- pia matter
- arachnoid
- dura matter
notch that is more medial
is it always there?
frontal notch
sometimes not there
what bone is the trochlear foss at
frontal bone
where is the lateral orbital tubercle located (aka what bone is it on )
zygomatic bone
orbital plate is part of what bone
perpendicular plate is part of what bone
horizonta plate part of what
perpendicular - ethmoid
horizontal - palatine
Is the posterior or anterior portion of lacimal fossa is on the maxilla
cribriform plate is from what bone
what goes through here
olfactory nerve
anterior clinoid process is part of what bone
V1, V2,V3 foramina
what bone are these foramina on
what bone is the trigeminal impression on
V1 - Superior orbital fissue
v2 - foramen rotundum
V3 - foramen ovale
Standing Room Only
petrous of the temporal bone
what CN goes down clivus
what two bones make it up clivus
CN 6
sphenoid and occipital bone
what CN goes through jugular foramen
9, 10, 11
mastoid and styloid process is part of what bone
temporal bone
where is the inion
external occipital protuberance
hypoglassal canal is part of what bone
occipital bone
bones part of nasal septum
ethmoid, vomer
where does the nasolacrimal drain into
inferior nasal meatus
____Superior Orbital fissure ___
-formed by :
-connects what:
____Inferior Orbital fissure ___
-formed by :
-connects what:
____Superior Orbital fissure ___
-formed by : greater and lesser wing
of sphenoid
-connects what: cranium to orbit
____Inferior Orbital fissure ___
-formed by : maxilla and greater
-connects what: orbit to
pterygopalatine fossa
for sx for pituitary tumor, surgeon can go through nose then cut through what bone
what are the 7 bones of the orbit
angle between medial and lateral wall ____
two lines coming from the center of orbit would be what degree ______
angle between medial and lateral wall __45__
two lines coming from the center of orbit would be what degree ___22.5___
what is the thinnest wall of orbit
Match the meninges relationships
falx cerebri
tentorium cerebelli
falx cerebelli
Separates hemispheres
Separates cerebrum from cerebellum
Attached to cristagali
Separates cerebellar halves
falx cerebri
- seperates hemispheres
-attatches to crista galli
tentorium cerebelli
-seperates cerbrum from cerebellum
falx cerebelli
- cerebellar halves
Name the foramen it goes through
Olfactory - cribiform foramina
abducens - superior orbital fissure
**Vagus - jugular foramen
trochlear- superior orbital fissure