EXAM 2 Flashcards
Explain the process of action potentials
1) A ligand binds with a ligand-gated sodium channel.
2) Na+ diffuses into the cell, depolarizing it.
3) The cell meet its’ sodium threshold voltage and the voltage-gated sodium open depolarizing it further into the potassium voltage threshold. (voltage gated K+ channels begin to open and K+ leaves the cell).
4) (Na+ voltage gated channels close) The K+ voltage gated channels are fully open and the cell repolarizes.
5) K+ voltage gated close slowly as the cell hyperpolarizes.
6) Sodium-Potassium pumps bring the cell back to resting membrane voltage.
Changes in membrane potential due to neurotransmitters binding to ligand-gated channels only occur on the _________ and ______ of a neuron.
dendrites and soma
Explain how the action potentials move through the neuron
The action potential begins in the axon hillock and each region begins depolarizing and repolarizing. As the first region’s potassium voltage gated channels are opening the next region’s sodium voltage gated channels are opening. This cycle continues down the axon until it reaches the end and stimulates calcium to activate ligand to transfer to the next neuron, moving the action potentials further.
2 types of neurons: the one prior and the one after
presynaptic neuron and postsynaptic neuron
Name 2 types of neurotransmitters and their functions
acetylcholine: stimulates cholinergic receptors
epinephrine: stimulates adrenergic receptors
postsynaptic potential: the potential of a post synaptic neuron to create action potentials
Explain how action potentials move from the presynaptic neuron to the postsynaptic neuron
- Action potential arrives at synaptic knob
- voltage-gated Ca++ channels open and Ca++ enters neuron.
- Ca++ triggers release of neurotransmitter
- Neurotransmitter binds to postsynaptic receptor and creates PSP.
What happens to neurotransmitters after creating action potentials?
the neurotransmitters have diffused out of the synapse and then return back to the presynaptic neuron through active transport. Then it is degraded.
acetylcholine–> acetylcholine esterase
epinephrine–> monoamine oxidase
In order to stop a signal from the brain..
Neurotransmitters are no longer put out and therefore there are no action potentials
A presynaptic neuron can excite a postsynaptic neuron through…
EPSP: excitatory postsynaptic potential
The presynaptic neuron has Na+ enter its cell making it easier to trigger action potential in the postsynaptic neuron.
neural integration
interactions between circuits of neurons
A presynaptic neuron can inhibit a postsynaptic neuron through..
IPSP: inhibitory postsynaptic potential
the presynaptic neuron has Cl- entering or K+ leaving and this makes it harder to trigger AP in the postsynaptic neuron
______ and ______ “‘fight it out”by simultaneously trying to depolarize and hyperpolarize the membrane. Whether or not postsynaptic neuron fires an AP, depends on how ____ and ___ balance out.
The ________ receives information in the form of action potentials and all of the action potentials are identical.
CNS: Central Nervous System
How does the CNS interpret information?
Neural coding. APs from different neurons mean different things and the neuron can fire many or a few AP’s per second depending on how strong the stimulus.
The CNS is made up of the______ and the _______.
brain and spinal cord
(cerebrum) controls vocabulary, speech, though, judgement, voluntary control, sensory perception, memory, and dreams.
(gateway to cerebral cortex (thalamus), hypothalamus, epithalamus).
- controls involuntary functions such as food/water intake/ hormone secretion, cardiovascular regualtion, thermoregulation, sleep wake cycle.
(midbrain, cerebral peduncles, corpora quadrigemina)
- relays info to higher brain centers (unconscious decision)
(cerebellum, and pons)
- coordinates movement of skeletal muscle
- aids in learning mortor skills
- remembers how to move
(medulla oblongata)
controls: cardiac center, vasomotor center(vessels), respiratory centers
- sneezing, vomiting, hiccuping, swallowing, sweating
Spinal Cord’s function
carries most nerves to and from rest of the body
Integration center for spinal reflexes
- don’t have to think about them
- APs go to sensor–>integration center–>effector before brain is conscious of stimulus
The brain and spinal cord make up the CNS and everything else is considered the ____
PNS: Peripheral Nervous System
afferent fibers (nerves) carry impulses _____ the CNS and are considered ______ neurons.
1) toward
2) sensory
efferent fibers carry impulses ______ the CNS and are considered _____ neurons.
1) away from
2) motor
The autonomic nervous system is ______ and ______ connections everything except the _______.
1) sensory
2) motor fibers
3) skeletal muscle
The autonomic nervous system is made up of two division: the ______ and the _______.
1) sympathetic division
2) parasympathetic division
Sympathetic division prepares body for ______ and ________ reaction.
1) physical activity
2) fight or flight
Parasympathetic division gives a ______ effect on many body functions and provides body ________ (resting and digesting).
1) calming
2) maintenance
The sympathetic and parasympathetic are always active but one is always ________ than the other and they are constantly _________.
1) more active
2) titter-tottering
In the autonomic nervous system it takes ___ neurons to get from the CNS to an effector. These neurons connect in the ______.
1) two
2) ganglia
ganglia and ganglion
- a collection of axon terminals synapsing with nerve cell bodies
- an area with many synapses
Preganglionic neurons (CNS to ganglion) always release _____.
ACh (acetylcholine)
Postganglionic neurons (ganglion to effector) have _____ fibers that usually release ______ or _______ fibers that always release ______.
1) sympathetic, norepinephrine (NE)
2) parasympathetic, acetylcholine (ACh)
The specific effect of the neurotransmitter depends on what type of receptors are in the membrane of the _____.
The sympathetic nervous system does not always stimulate and organ it can also ______ it.
inhibit it
Name three body parts that are only affect by the sympathetic nervous system.
skin, adrenal medulla, arteries
True or False: Most organs are innervated by both parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers.
The sympathetic fibers _____ the heart and parasympathetic _______ it.
1) excites
2) inhibits
The sympathetic fibers _____ the diaphragm and parasympathetic _______ it.
1) excites
2) inhibits
The sympathetic fibers _____ the GI tract and parasympathetic _______ it.
1) inhibits
2) excites
The sympathetic fibers _____ the salivary glands and parasympathetic _______ it.
1) excites
2) excites
When something is being excited, ______ is entering the cell and it is ________.
1) Na+
2) deopolarizing
When something is being inhibited, ______ is being released and the cell _______.
1) ACl
2) repolarizes
Skeletal muscle
- body movement
- facial expression
- breathing
- speech
- under VOLUNTARY CONTROL except diaphragm
Cardiac Muscle
- only found in heart and responsible for contractions that pump blood to arteries.
- under INVOLUNTARY control
Smooth Muscle
- Digestive system
- squeezes food from one section to another
- also found in iris of eye and hair follicles
- under INVOLUNTARY control
Name the four characteristics all types of muscles have in common.
1) excitability
2) contractility
3) extensibility
4) elasticity
muscle cells produce action potentials
muscles cell can become shorter
muscle cells can be stretched
when stretched, muscle cells will return to their original length.
Whole skeletal muscles are connected to bones by tough connective tissue called _____.
During _______, the muscle gets shorter, pulls on the tendon, and moves the bone.
Bundles of muscle cells
The cell membrane of a muscle fiber is called ____.
The cytoplasm of a muscle cell is called_____.
Within the sarcoplasm, are bundles of proteins called _____.
Each myrofibril is made up of many individual overlapping protein strands called ______.
The two types of myofilaments are ______ and _____.
thick filaments and thin filaments
Thick and think filaments are arranged in over lapping units called a ______.
The thick and thin filaments _______ _____ ___ ________ and shorten the muscle cell during contraction.
slide past one another
thin filaments are made of a protein called_____.
thick filaments are made of a protein called_____.
True or False
Muscle cells and muscle fibers are not the same thing.
Within the sarcoplasm, there is a complex network of membrane sacs and tubes called the_______.
sarcoplasmic reticulum
The sarcoplasmic reticulum is full of _______ ions and lies all around the _______.
1) calcium
2) myofilaments
The ends of the sarcoplasmic reticulum form large flat sacs called _______.
terminal cisternae.
The terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum lie against narrow tubes called _______.
transverse tubules (T tubules)
The T-tubules travel from the ______to the surface of the cell directly to the ________.
1) terminal cisternae
2) sarcolemma
Action potentials that form on the sarcolemma travel down the _______ and cause the _________ to release calcium into the sarcoplasm.
1) t-tubules
2) sarcoplasmic reticulum
Calcium in the sarcoplasm causes the ____ to change shape and trigger muscle _______.
1) myofilaments
2) contraction
A sarcomere is the functional unit of a muscle cell. They are formed by….
repeating units of thick and thin filaments that run end to end, along the length of the muscle cell.
An indivudal myosin molecule look like a little ______. The head of the myosin molecule is hindged and can _______.
1) golf club
2) move back and forth
The thin filaments are made from different proteins. The long string of bead like molcules is called _____. Each individual bead is _______.
1) F actin
2) G actin
On a think filament each molecule of G actin has an _______ that the myosin heads can bind to.
active site
When the muscle is relaxed, long chains of _____ cover the active sites on the G actin of the thin filament.
Small proteins called ____ are attached along the length of the tropomyosin chains.
When calcium is present inside the sarcoplasm, the calcium binds to _____, causing it to change shape.
As the troponin molecules change shape, they ….
drag the tropmyosin chain off of the active sites.
Skeletal muscle is made to contract when neurons from the ____ stimulate the muscle cells.
Neurons that stimulate muscle cells are called ______.
motor neurons
A motor neuron travels from the CNS and synapses with a muscle cell. The synapse between a motor neuron and a muscle is called the __________ ______.
neuromuscular junction
Explain the process of how the CNS stimulates muscle contraction by eventually releasing calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
- Action potentials arrive at synaptic knob and opens voltage-gated Ca++ channels.
- Calcium ions diffuse into synaptic knob.
- Ca++ binds with protein to move Synaptic vesicles they then release ACh.
- ACh binds to receptors on the sarcolemma
- Ion channel of ACh receptors opens. Na+ enters, K+ leaves sarcoplasm through same channel, creating the end-plate potential (EPP).
- EPP excites voltage-gated ions channels in other regions of sarcolemma. Diffusion of Na+ and K+ through their separate channels depolarizes membrane and initiates AP in muscle fiber.
- APs propagated down T-tubles to interior muscle fiber.
- Terminal cisternae release Ca++ into sarcoplasm.
Inside of your calls, calcium often acts as a ___ that activates some sort of _______ machinery.
1) key
2) protein
True or False:
There is a higher calcium concentration outside of your cells than on the inside.
Synaptic Vesicles
sacs made from membranes.
- Ca++ activates them to move and they release ACh into cell membrane
The tiny space between the neuron and the muscle cell membranes.
synaptic cleft
End Plate Potential (EPP)
the intial depolarization and repolarization the opening of the ACl receptor creates that triggers the voltage-gated sodium channels to open.
Put the following events in order:
a. action potential travels down T-tubules
b. active sites on G actin exposed
c. calcium binds to troponin
d. calcium released from sarcoplasmic reticulum
e. heads of myosin molecules attach to active sites on G actin
f. tropomyosin pulled away from active sites on G actin
g. troponin
a. action potential travels down T-tubles
d. calcium released from sarcoplasmic reticulum
c. calcium binds to troponin
g. troponin changes shape
f. tropomyosin pulled away from active sites on G actin
b. active sites on G actin exposed
e. heads of myosin molecules attach to active sites on G actin
Identify the neurotransmitter released into the neuromuscular junction by the motor neuron.
What allows the myosin head to bind to the active site?
An ATP molecule bends the head back and as soon as tropomyosin has moved from the active site, the head springs forward from the ATP hyrdrolyzing into ADP + P
Cross-Bridge formation
the action of the myosin heads springing up and attaching to the active site on G actin
Explain the cycle of the myosin binding and unbinding to the active site. How long will this cycle continue?
- ATP molecule bends head back
- (CROSS-BRIDGE FORMATION)ATP–> ADP+P and the head springs forward and binds to active site.
- (POWER STROKE)The myosin releases the ADP+P and the head flexes further, making the filament shorter
- Myosin remains flexed and bound to ac5. tive spot until another ATP molecule binds to it.
- ATP binds to myosin and the head goes back to its intial position, ready to repeat the cycle.
-The cycle will continue as long as the G actin is exposed.