Exam 2 Flashcards
First trimester
First day of LMP through 13 completed weeks
Second trimester
14 weeks through 27completed weeks
Third trimester
28 weeks through 40 completed weeks
Main concern with adolescent pregnancy
PRESUMPTIVE signs and symptoms of pregnancy
Nausea and vomiting
Urinary frequency
Breast change
Montgomery’s glands
Uterine enlargement
PROBABLE signs and symptoms of pregnancy
Abdominal enlargement
Hegar’s sign
Chadwick’s sign
Goodell’s sign
Braxton Hicks contractions
Positive pregnancy test
Fetal outline felt by examiner
POSITIVE signs and symptoms of pregnancy
Fetal heart sounds
Visualization of fetus
Fetal movement palpated
Gravidity definition
Number of pregancies
Nulligravida definition
never been pregnant
Primigravida definition
first pregnancy
Multigravida definition
two or more pregnancies
Parity definition
number of pregnancies in which the fetus or fetuses reach 20 weeks of pregnancy
Nullipara definition
no pregnancy beyond the stage of viability
Primipara definition
completed one pregnacy to stage of viability
multipara definition
completed two or more pregnancies to stage of viability
Viability definition
the point in time when an infant has the capacity to survive outside the uterus
Term births
Preterm Births (from viability up to 37 weeks)
Abortions.miscarriages (prior to viability)
living children
Normal fetal heart rate
110-160 bpm
Naegele’s rule
Take the first day of the womans last menstrual cycle, subtract 3 months, and then add 7 days and 1 year
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Intractable nausea and vomiting during the first trimester
First nursing intervention when dealing with diabeties and pregnancy
How many weeks would be considered preterm labor?
after 20 weeks but before 37 weeks
Signs and symptoms of magnesium toxicity
o Decreased respirations
o Absent DTR
o Decreased urine output 30 mL/hr
o Decreased levels of consciousness
o Cardiac dysrhythmias
Nursing interventionsfor magnesium toxicity
o Immediately discontinue infusion
o Administer antidote calcium gluconate or calcium chloride
o Prepare for actions to prevent respiratory or cardiac arrest
Most reliable indicator of fetal growth
Uterine size
Recommended regular weight gain during pregnancy
25-35 lbs
2.4-4.4 lbs during the first trimester
1lb per week for the last two trimesters
Women who are underweight and have low weight gain during pregnancy are at greater risk for what?
Preterm labor
Normal fetal kick counts
o 10 movements in 2 hours is normal and reassuring, counts can be discontinued for the day
o 4 movements in 1 hour is reassuring
When to report fetal kick counts to HCP?
o Fewer that 3 fetal movements in 2 hrs should be reported to the provider
patients should track fetal movements how often for how long?
daily, for 1-2 hours