Exam 2 Flashcards
Which thoracic spine vertebrae are transitional?
T1 and T12
do thoracic or cervical vertebrae have larger bodies?
Vertebral bodies have?
transverse and anterior-posterior diameters
Why dont thoracic vertebrae have transverse foramen?
There is no vertebral a. to protect
Transverse processes are more ____ than cervical?
Inferior facets of superior verebrae face?
inferior and anterior
Superior facets of the inferior vertebrae face?
superior and posterior
Decreased Weight bearing occurs on the facet joints compared to C-spine due to?
Facet articulations are 60* from horizontal place
what is responsible for resisting compression in verterbral body?
vertical, oblique and horizontal trabeculae in spongy bone
What is the zone of weakness?
Decreased trabeculae bone. Can lead to ant comp fractures,
with age kyphosis?
increases, more anterior pressure in thoracic spine
vertical trabeculae fibers resist?
Horizontal trabeculae fibers resist?
Does the vertebral arch have a lot or less trabeculae?
multiple, making it more supported for weight bearing
Difference between spondylysis v.s spondylolythesis?
spondylolysis is just fracture
restrict ROM
Upper thoracic ROM?
rotation and sidebending
Lower thoracic ROM?
flexion and extension
Middle thoracic ROM?
little bit of everything
Freyette’s law upper thoracic spine?
SB and rotation occur in the same direction in neutral and non-neutral biomechanics
Freyette’s law lower thoracic spine?
SB and rotation occur in opposite directions
Degrees of freedom in the thoracic spine?
3* (flexion/extension, Sb, rotation)
Why does upper thoracic have decreased flexion/extension?
facets lie in frontal plane
60* from horizontal plane
Why does lower thoracic have increased flexion/extension?
2* from sagittal plane
What does rule of 3s help to determine?
SP and TP orientation
Orientation of T1-T3 SPs?
Level with respective Tps
Orientation of T4-T6 SPs?
1/2 level below respective TPs
Orientation of T7-T9 SPs?
SP 1 full level below respective TPs
Orientation of T10 SPs?
SP 1 full level below
Orientation of T11 and T12?
Sp 1/2 level below, SP in line with TP
What structures provide check rein to flexion?
PLL, ligamentum flavum, erector spinae, Spinal cord
Anterior vertebral body + IV disc
What structures check rein to extension?
ALL, rectus abdominus,
Post vertebral body + disc, spinous process
What structures check rein to side bending?
Contralateral musculature Intratransverse compression
What happens to facets and IV foramen with sidebending?
closing of facets and IV foramen
Posterior inferior motion
Distortion of rib pair?
this happens during rotation
One rib goes posterior the other goes anterior
magnitude dependent on CV and CT joint motion
Check rein for rotation?
winding of the disc
Scoliosis is named according to?
direction of convexity and region
what is a type I scoliotic dysfunction?
rib hump evident
Primary curve v.s secondary curve?
primary: congenital
secondary: compensatory
Describe normal Thoracic LOG?
LOG anterior to thoracic (flexion moment)
PLL counteracts
Describe LOG action due to a moderate kyphosis?
Increased anterior (increased flexion moment)
PLL and erector spinae
Describe Severe kyphosis affect on LOG?
Even greater anterior (larger flexion moment)
erector spina and PLL
Upper cervical spine will go into extension to counteract
Where do ribs 1-7 attach?
true ribs
attach directly to cartilage to sternum
Where do ribs 8-10 attach
false ribs
attach to costal cartilage above attaching to sternum
Where do ribs 11-12 attach?
floating ribs (no attachment to sternum)
what type of joint are the costovertebral joints?
planar synovial
head of rib is?
T2-T8 facets are?
formed by 2 concave demifacets on inferior and superior body of vertebrae
T1, T11, T12 articulate with?
only 1 vertebrae
The vertebral facets of T9-T12 are?
posterior to the pedicles
Ribs 2-10 also articulate with?
intervertebral discs
Which costovertebral joints have more mobility?
those that articulate with only one vertebrae
How does rotation and gliding occur in CV joint?
Rib springing
Where does Functional internal rotation lie to spinous process?
Where does Functional external rotation lie to spinous process?
What is the total degrees of ROM for Horizontal Abduction
Horizontal Adduction
120-140’ AB
40-60’ ADD
What is the total degree of ROM for extension or hyperextension?
What are the four joints that make up the shoulder complex?
What are the four joints that make up the shoulder complex?
Where does the superior angle of the scapular in respects to spinous process?
Where does the inferior angle of the scapular in respects to spinous process?
What angle of upward rotation does the scapula lie in?
3-5 degrees
Why does the scapular have upward rotation at rest?
Because it creates a shelf for humeral head to stop dislocation
When the scapula elevates it causes more anterior tilting which can lead to
AC impingement
upper cross syndrome
Upward rotation promotes ______stability. With what contribution?
Glenoid contribution
CH & SGH ligament contribution
What is scapular dumping?
When there is relaxation (adaptive stretch) of coracohumeral ligament and superior glenohumeral ligament
downward rotation means no shelf
inferior translation/ dislocation
What is the typical posture for scapular dumping?
Rounded Shoulder
inferior translation
increase kyphosis
What is the normal range for anterior tilting of the scapula?
What are you to likely see with anterior tilting greater than 20 degrees?
Subacromial impingement
w/ inc. kyphosis
menopausal women
What is the scapulo-clavicular angle?
50 degrees
POS 30’ anterior to frontal plane
Clavicular retraction angle is 20’
What is the purpose of scapulothoracic motion?
appropriately position the glenoid to allow optimal motion
Scapulothroacic motion has _____translation and _____rotary motion? What are they?
-upward/downward rotation
-anterior/posterior tilting or tipping
-medial/lateral rotation
What motion is coupled with protraction of the scapula?
Medial rotation = protraction