Exam 2 Flashcards
3 sever complications for adults with common cold within 2 wks preop?
- Cardiac arrest
- Pneumonia
- Prolonged intubation due to increase sputa
How long should intubation be postponed after common cold in adults?
2 weeks
What 4 things should you remember to do for adults common cold?
- Hydrate
- Reduce secretions (anti cholinergic)
- Limit airways manipulation (LMA)
- +/- bronchodilators
Max amount of air a person can expel from the lungs after a max inhalation?
Vital capacity
In restrictive lung disease, is vital capacity increased or decreased?
In obstructive lung disease, is vital capacity increased or decreased?
Normal to slightly decreased
Volume of air that can forcibly be blown out in one second, after full inspiration?
Normal FEV1 values?
VC equation in female:
(21.78-.101a) x h
VC equation in male:
(27.63-.112a) x h
Resting volume of the lungs is the balance between what?
Elastic recoil pulling the lung in and chest wall out
Obstructive lung disease FRC?
Increased; greater chest wall elastic recoil
Restrictive lung disease FRC?
Obstructive lung disease mechanics:
Lung recoil < CW recoil
-increased resting lung volumes (TLC and FRC)
Restrictive lung disease mechanics:
CW recoil < lung recoil
-decreased resting lung volume (TLC and FRC)
Is asthma obstructive or restrictive?
Bronchial tubes are hyperresponsive and airways become inflamed and produce excess mucus and the muscles around the airways tighten making the airways narrower?
Atopic asthma triggers?
Genetic tendency
What 4 things can the OR causes asthma triggers?
- Allergens
- Pharamcologic agents
- Infections
- Emotional stress
What is the abnormal autonomic regulation with asthma?
Mast cell release mediators which interact with ANS. Mediators directly or indirectly cause bronchoconstriction.
How much does the maximum mid-expiratory flow (MMEF) decrease with asthma?
<20% of normal
What does severe asthma V/Q mismatch leads to in PaO2?
<60mmHg on RA
What does PaCO2 rises with ?
FEV1 <25%
What does asthma fatigue also lead to?
What is the normal eosinophil count?
What are the 2 rescue asthma drugs?
- B2 adrenergic agonist
2. Anticholinergics
During acute asthma attack, does theophylline offer benefit if using inhaled B-agonist?
During acute asthma attack, what 3 things are NOT recommended?
- Antibiotics
- Aggressive hydration
- Mucolytic
What are leukotriene modifiers?
Leukotriene receptor antagonists that are used for long-term control and prevent asthma symptoms
Are leukotriene modifiers quick or slow?
Work slowly
Salbutamol/albuterol Levosalbutamol/levalbuterol Pirbuterol Epinephrine Racemic epinephrine Ephedrine Terbutaline
Short acting bronchodilators
Which is the big gun in short acting bronchodilators?
Salmeterol Clenbuterol Formoterol Bambuterol Indacaterol
Long acting bronchodilators
Does not respond to routine treatment, considered life threatening?
Status asthmaticus
What 5 things should be done with status asthmaticus?
- O2 over 90%
- B2 agonists metered dose
- IV corticosteroids
- Magnesium sulfate
- Oral leukotriene inhibitors
What should peek expiratory flow be in preop for asthma?
> 80%
What should be considered in emergency surgery for asthma?
What 5 agents have limited to no histamine release for asthma?
- Propofol
- Ketamine (increase secretions so give anticholinergic first)
- Sevo
- Fent
- Muscle relaxants
What are the 3 important “L” words for asthma anesthetic maintenace?
LTA, LMA, lidocaine
What does an i/e ratio need to look like for asthma?
Need longer expiratory phase
Should you use higher or lower dose of glycopyrrolate when reversing with neostigmine?
Should you use steroids for acute asthma response?
No because takes awhile
Destroys elastic recoil, decreased bronchial wall rigidity, gas trapping, prolonged expiratory phase???
What color is an individual with emphysema and chronic bronchitis?
Pink for emphysema
Blue for chronic bronchitis
4 things that are with chronic bronchitis?
- Mucus hypersecretion
- Inflammation
- Perichonchiolar fibrosis
- Airway obstruction
What does emphysema have?
Loss of elastic recoil
Which is more common in older individuals?
Which has early and late cough?
Early: chronic bronchitis
Late: emphysema
Which has early and late dyspnea?
Late: chronic bronchitis
Early: emphysema
What does chronic bronchitis and emphysema FEV1 look like?
What does chronic bronchitis and emphysema PaO2 look like?
Chronic bronchitis: decrease
Emphysema: increase
What does chronic bronchitis and emphysema PaCO2 look like?
Chronic bronchitis: increase
Emphysema: normal to decrease
What does chronic bronchitis and emphysema chest x-ray look like?
Chronic bronchitis: large heart
Emphysema: small heart
How do you compensate emphysema?
Increased or decreased CO with chronic bronchitis?
Why does chronic bronchitis increase CO?
Compensate for lack of O2, heart reacts by releasing adenosine, which increases CO
What can chronic bronchitis pts develop if given too much supplemental oxygen?
Type 2 respiratory failure
Low oxygen and normal or low CO2 levels
Type 1 respiratory failure
Low oxygen with high CO2
Type 2 respiratory failure
What does type 2 respiratory failure have, O2 or CO2 drive?
Hypoxic drive only
Stage 1: mild FEV1?
> 80%
Stage 2: moderate FEV1?
Stage 3: severe FEV1?
Stage 4: very severe FEV1?
PaCO2 and PaO2 with chronic bronchitis?
PaCO2: >45
PaO2: <60
Carboxyhemoglobin shifts oxygen curve to what?
What can 6-8 weeks of decrease in carboxygemoglobin levels and increase in P50 of oxyhemoglobin cause?
Hepatic enzymes return to normal
Are oral steroids recommended for stable COPD?
What can high doses of nebulized B-agonists cause in chronic bronchitis?
Tachyarrhythmia’s and hypokalemia