Exam 2 - (1) Clostridia Flashcards
What type of bacteria are Clostridium in relation to oxygen? What is their shape and membrane (gram) classificaiton?
- Strictly anaerobic
- Gram + rods
Clostridium can produce endo____, making it mostly unique among bacteria.
About how many Clostridium(C) species are responsible for human infection?
How many C. species are found in the environment (water, soil, animal wastes?)
> 50
C. can produce _______ toxins that are responsible for disease ______.
- proteinaceous (protein)
- symptoms
What C. species causes pseudomembraneous colitis (PMC)?
C. difficile
What C. species is known to cause cellulitis, gas gangrene, and food poisoning?
C. perfringens
What C. species causes botulism?
C. botulinum
What C. species causes tetanus?
C. tetani
Toxin production is linked to all C. diseases save for:
Suppurative wounds and abscesses
Most C. diseases are tissue invasive. T or F?
exception: boutulinum food poisoning, infant botulism
possible exceptions: wound botulism, tetanus, PMC
Describe bacteria in it’s endospore form:
metabolically inactive, resistant state in which it can remain for 100s of years.
What conditions are endospores resistant to?
extreme heat, drying, radiation, most chemical disinfectins
What causes endospore induction?
unfavorable environmental conditions (i.e. nutrient depletion)
When will endospores germinate?
when conditions become favorable for vegetative growth
Are C. difficile easy to culture?
Describe PMC
Yellow plaques containing fibrin and cellular debris in ulcers of colonic mucosa
C. difficile is currently the leading cause of _____ diarrhea.
nosocomial (aquired while under medical care/at the hospital)
C. difficile is harbored how?
in a dormant state (small amount) within the bowels of a small number of healthy individuals
What is C. difficile’s mode of transportation?
endospores! (ex: hands of health care professional)
The disease state caused by C. difficile is usually associated with:
antimicrobial drugs (esp. cephalosporins, ampicillin, and clindamycin)
When the normal colonic flora are killed by antibiotics, C. difficile spores can ________ and begin production of _____ resulting in _______. There is no _____ of the bowel wall, however.
- vegetate
- toxin
- diarrhea
- invasion
What are two toxins produced by C. difficile?
- Toxin A
- Toxin B
Describe Toxin A:
it is an enterotoxin that causes fluid production and damages mucosa
Describe Toxin B:
it is a cytotoxin that causes tissue culture cells to round
What is the mechanism of action for both C. difficile’s toxins?
they act in the cytoplasm of the host cell to glycosylate GTP binding proteins (Rho, Rac). As a result, the cells lose their cytoskeletal structure and die.
Name one way to diagnose C. difficile:
an ELISA detection of Toxin A
Where can C. perfringens be found?
Every soil except sahara desert sand and the intestinal tracts of animals.
C. perfringens is a major pathogen in:
wound infections (war wounds 20 - 30%)