Exam 1 Special Senses: Hearing and Equilibrium Flashcards
? collectively called the auditory ossicles (3)
incus, malleus, stapes
? sacs found within the vestibule; sites of the maculae (2)
utricle, saccule
? vibrates at the same frequency as the sound waves hitting it; transmits the vibrations to the ossicles
tympanic membrane
? fluid contained within the membranous labyrinth
? fluid contained within the bony labyrinth
? grains of calcium carbonate in the maculae
? location of the spiral organ
cochlear duct
? involved in equalizing the pressure in the middle ear with the external air pressure
pharyngotympanic tube
? positioned in all 3 special planes
semicircular ducts
? gelatinous cap overlying hair cells of the crista ampullaris
ampullary cupula
? transmits the vibrations of the stapes to the fluid in the scala vestibulis
oval window
? hair cells of the spiral organ rest on this membrane
basilar membrane
? contains the crista ampullaris
? acts as a pressure relief valve for pressure waves in the scala tympani
round window
? gelatinous membrane overlying in the hair cells of the spiral organ
tectorial membrane
? can result from the fusion of the ossicles
conduction deafness
? can result from a lesion on the cochlear nerve
sensorineural deafness
? sound heard in one ear but not in the other during bone and air conduction
sensorineural deafness
? can result from otitis media
conduction & sensorineural deafness
? can result from impacted cerumen or a perforated eardrum
conduction deafness
? can result from a blood clot in the primary auditory cortex
sensorineural deafness