Exam 1: Sept 19 Flashcards
Who did Dualism?
Describe the theory of dualism
the human mind and body are two distinct entities that interact with each other to make a person
How is cognitive revolution different from behaviorism?
it is the (indirect) study of mental functions rather than the study of observable behavior in response to an external stimulus
Describe the theory of introspection and its limitations
the process of observing the operations of one’s own mind with a view to discovering the laws that govern the mind, cannot be proven
A specific, testable prediction
Accurately measures the concepts you think you are measuring
Construct Validity
Am I measuring what I want to measure?
External Validity
Can these findings be generalized? Are they similar to the “real world”?
Internal Validity
Are my results due to my independent variable alone?
Confounding Variables
other variables that might affect the dependent variable that unintentionally varies between groups
Random vs. convenience sample
Random Sample - can generalize findings to population
Convenience Sample - cannot generalize to population
Between subjects experiment
Control and an experimental group
If order may be a factor, randomly assign participants to each combination
E.g., the first 10 participants would complete condition A followed by condition B, and the remaining 10 participants would complete condition B and then A. Any order effects should be balanced out by this technique.
Demand characteristics
Influence subjects to behave a certain way based on what they expect the experimenter to want
Operational definition
Operationally define what you are trying to measure
Break down memories into number of details
Correlations - Problems
Third Variable Problem (Correlations)
When observing a correlation between two things a third variable may be influencing both variables
Within-subjects experiment
All participants complete all experimental conditions
Must be stable and consistent over time and across people
The degree to which the measure is error free
ZAPS Split Brain Chart
Visual Field + Hand → Recognize, Choose, both
Left Visual Field + Left Hand → only choose
Left Visual Field + Right Hand → neither
Right Visual Field + Left Hand → recognize only
Right Visual Field + Right Hand → recognize and choose
Recognize in Right Visual Field, Choose when Visual Field=Hand
Parts of Neuron: Dendrites
Excitatory and inhibitory signals enter
Parts of Neuron: Cell body/soma
Signals are integrated
Parts of Neuron: Myelin Sheath
Insulate axon and speed signals
Parts of Neuron: Node of Ranvier
Saltatory conduction
Parts of Neuron: Terminal buttons
Release Neurotransmitters
Parts of Neuron: synapse
Between axon terminals of one neuron and dendrites of another
Line drawn through the CNS, up spinal cord and to the front of the brain
Along the neuroaxis towards the front of the face (up)
Along the neuroaxis away from the front of the face (down)
∟ to the neuroaxis towards the top of the head or the back
∟ to the neuroaxis towards the bottom of the skull or the front of body
Superior and Inferior
Lateral and Medial
Towards the side or the middle
Same side of the body
Opposite sides of the body
Coronal/Frontal Plane
Parallel to the forehead
Axial/Transverse/Horizontal Plane
Parallel to the ground
Sagittal Plane
∟ to the ground and = to the neuroaxis or midsagittal plane
Gray matter
cell bodies
White matter
dense array of nerve fibers (axons) connecting parts of the cortex
Corpus Callosum
large bundle of axons, connects the two hemispheres
Cerebral Cortex
Outer layer of the brain, gray matter Contains fissures (sulci) and bumps (gyri)
Occipital (cortex)
Primary visual cortex
Back of brain
Parietal (cortex)
Primary somatosensory cortex
Touch and attention
Between frontal and occipital, top of brain
Temporal (cortex)
Primary auditory cortex
Audition and language
By ears, bottom of brain
Frontal (cortex)
Prefrontal cortex - Rational thought and behavior
Primary motor cortex
Movement and rational behavior
Front of brain
Essential for basic survival functions
Essential for movement
Thalamus and Hypothalamus
Thalamus is ‘gateway’ to the cortex’
Hypothalamus → regulatory functions