Exam 1 Review Flashcards
What is CARs?
Canadian Aviation Regulations
Tells the operator what the Rule is.
What is CASS?
Commercial Air Service Standard
Provide guidance on how to implement the rules from CARS aka SOPs
How can you tell a CAR from a CASS?
The second number in a CAR is 0 (ex 705.124)
The second number in a CASS is 2 (ex 725.124)
What do you do before you speak to a Transport Canada Inspector?
Ask for ID
How long before report time must you refrain from alcohol?
12 hrs
What percent of people is there enough first aid oxygen on board for?
What does IHR stand for?
Incident Hazard Report
When does the validity of training expire?
Every 12 months (must be completed before the 13th month following the month training was completed).
What does COM stand for and what does it include?
Company Operations Manual Includes FOM(Flight Operations Manual) FAM (Flight Attendant Manual) and AOM (Aircraft Operations Manual)
What does ELC stand for?
Emergency Landing Checklist
What is a TR?
Temporary Revision
What is ditching?
An emergency landing in water.
What forces need to be equal for an aircraft to fly?
Thrust = Drag Lift = Weight (Gravity)
What is aircraft altitude?
Height above sea level
What is cabin altitude?
Altitude the cabin is pressurized to.
What is aircraft attitude?
Position relative to the ground (ie. pointed up or pointed down)
What intercom do you use during suspicious activity?
The intercom furthest away from the incident.
What is the chain of command?
- Captain
- Check Captain / Training Captain (if on board)
- First Officer
- Deadheading Company Pilot (Swoop Pilots only)
- P2FA
- P3FA
- P4FA
- Line evaluator (if on board)
Who is ultimately responsible for the aircraft and cabin crew?
The captain
What are the methods of communication during an emergency?
Use an ABP
What are the 3 levels of communication?
Normal, Non-Normal and Emergency
What is non-normal communication?
An unusual situation which requires a higher level of alert
Evacuation is unlikely; prepare for routine landing
What is considered emergency communication?
There is a high likelihood of an evacuation
An ELC is used (Emergency Landing Checklist)
What are the different colours on the call bars, what sounds do they make and what do they mean?
Pink - Crew - 2 chimes in the cabin
Blue - Passenger - 1 chime in the cabin
Yellow - Lavatory - 1 chime in the cabin
What is included in the Pre flight briefing?
Weather, location, time, flight#, tail #, etc.
Review of procedures
What is the purpose of a pre-flight briefing?
To set the tone for the day and establish open communication.
When is a post flight briefing and who is involved?
At the end of a flight duty day between captain and LFA.
When is the full uniform required to be worn?
Safety briefing
Takeoff and Landings
During ELC
When does cabin crew report to the gate before a flight?
D -60
What items must cabin crew report for duty with?
Company ID badge RAIC Passport Dangerous Goods Certificate Permanent Resident card(if no passport) SID Working wristwatch
What must you do before reporting for duty?
Review Comply updates
Read, review and acknowledge all operational info
When must pre flight checks be completed?
Each calendar day prior to departure of each aircraft
Following a crew change when verbal briefing is not conducted between leads
Anytime a crew member deems necessary
If the aircraft has been left unattended
What are the positive effects of crew co-ordination to enhance safety?
Increase moral
On the same page; everyone knows what’s happening
Open lines log communication
What is the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication?
Words vs actions
What are potential hazards to safety without effective communication?
More errors
Not hearing critical information
Decisions could lead to loss of life
What is the One Crew Concept?
Working as a team to communicate effectively.
Open communication, eye contact, treat everyone with respect, healthy morale
What is communication and what are the 2 types?
Exchange of information
Verbal and non-verbal
What is the difference between non-normal and emergency communication?
Non-normal is a warning to prepare just in case.
Emergency is a serious situation presently happening that affects flight safety.
How do you communicate effectively?
Stay calm, speak clearly, tone and speed, descriptive verbiage, pronunciation.
Who initiate the mandatory pre-board briefing and what info is included?
CSA initiates with LFA Includes SMAN (Specials manifest), 1st and last on board, door closure timings
Why is the FA uniform important?
Easily Identifiable
Looked to for guidance in an emergency
Protects from fire and weather
What is the MEL and what does it mean?
Minimum Equipment List
The minimum level of serviceability required for operation of the aircraft.
Who is TC and what are they?
Transport Canada
Governing body responsible for Canadian Aviation
Can flight attendants step off the aircraft when boarding?
No FAs must remain on board the aircraft when any passengers are on board.
When are post flight debriefed required?
After bad things happen (ELC, threats, etc)
When can a RAIC be used?
When on duty or deadheading to bypass security.