Exam 1 real version Flashcards
physical/nonlivng environment
trait with a genetic basis that enhances survival of its bearers in their environment
highest level of organization on earth, all organisms on earth and the environment in which they live
living components of an environment
climate change
directional change in climate over a period of three decades or more
interacting species that occur together at the same place and time
study of interactions between organisms and their environment
all organisms in a given area and the physical environment in which they live
organism that obtains it’s energy by eating another organism or it’s remains
change in allele frequency’s over time
natural selection
process by which individuals with certain heritable characteristics tend to survive more successfully than others due to said characteristic
net primary production
amount of energy per unit of time that producers capture by photosynthesis/chemosynthesis (minus the amount used in cellular respiration)
nutrient cycle
cyclic movement of nutrients between organisms and their physical environment
diversity of important ecological entities
direct interaction
predation, competition or positive interaction between two species
a group of individuals of the same species living within a given area
competitive network
multiple species that each negatively interacts with every other species
group of interacting species that occur at the small place and time
community structure
set of characteristics that shape a community (# species/abundance)
ecosystem engineer
species that influences its community by creating, modifying, or maintaining a physical habitat for itself and other species
food web
diagram showing connections between organisms and the food they consume
foundation species
a species that has large effect on its community due to its size or abundance
functional group
set of species that function in similar ways but do not use the same resources
species that use the same resources
indirect interactions
relationship between two species is mediated by a third species
horizontal interactions
interactions that occur within a trophic level
interaction strength
a measure of the effect of one species on the abundance of another
interaction web
concept that describes both the trophic and non trophic interactions among the species in a traditional food web
keystone species
a species that has an effect on energy flow and community size regardless that it is not abundant
rank abundance curve
plots the proportional abundance of each species in a community relative to to the others in rank order
alternative stable states
different community development scenarios that are possible at the same location under similar environmental states
climax stage
last stage of succession that is thought to be stable until disturbances shift the community back to earlier successional stages
abiotic event that harms some individuals and allows others to thrive as a result
inability of a community that has undergone change to shift back even when original conditions are restored
pioneer stage
first stage of primary succession
primary succession
succession that involves the colonization of habitats devoid of life
secondary succession
involves the reestablishment of a community in which some, but not all, organisms have been destroyed
biotic resistance
interactions of the native species of a community with the non native species that slow the growth of non natives
community function
set of processes that shape community structure
when a community retains or returns to its original structure and function after some disturbance
complementarity hypothesis
proposes that as species richness increases there is a linear increase of the positive effects of those species on community
dynamic equilibrium model
species diversity is maximized when the level of disturbance and the rate of competitive displacement are roughly equivalent
trait with an underlying genetic basis that enhances survival of its bearers in their environment
an organisms adjustment to lessen the effects of an environmental change and minimize associated stress
response to stressful environmental conditions that lessen their effect by minimizing their exposure to the stress