exam 1: quality management in healthcare Flashcards
continuous quality improvement (CQI)
PROCESS used to improve quality and performance
what are the 3 key processes for improvement
- system: is there something creating the errors
- clinical: nurses at bedside
- managerial: evals, cost benefits
total quality management (TQM)
management PHILOSOPHY that emphasizes a commitment to excellence throughout the organization
- pursue excellence
what does DMAIC stand for and what process is it part of
define, measure, analyze, improve, control
- it is part of the Six Sigma process in determining how far we deviate from perfection
hospital consumer assessment of healthcare and systems (HCAHPS)
survey to patients
incident reports
used to analyze the severity, freq, and causes of occurrences within the five risk categories
- retrospective indicator
- concurrent indicator
too used to measure performance of structure, process, and outcome standards
- retrospective: look at pt chart at discharge and pull data
- concurrent: looking at pt chart while they’re there
what is the difference between indicator and benchmarking?
indicator: looking at a specific hospitals standards
benchmarking: compare to other locations
just culture
fairness in approaches, look at root problem, not immediate blame, look at big picture
- Differentiate between human errors, at risk behaviors, and reckless behaviors
what should a nurse manager be and what should they foster?
- Mediator and encourager
- Foster good communication
- Keep unit informed when mistakes occur
six sigma
quality management program that uses qualitative data to monitor progress; how much does performance deviate from the standard
lean six sigma
improve process flow and eliminating waste, decrease variation to improve efficiency
outcome standard
all effects of healthcare on patients and populations, changes to health status, behavior, knowledge, satisfaction
what is the most important indicator of quality
outcome standard
process standards
sum of all actions that make up healthcare, connected with actual delivery of care
quality management
philosophy that defines a corporate culture emphasizing customer satisfaction, innovation, and employee involvement –> seeks to prevent problems or improve care
reportable incident
includes any unplanned occurrence that affects or could potentially affect a patient, family member, or staff
risk management (and risk management program)
purpose is to ID, analyze, and eval risk and then dev a plan for reducing the freq and severity of accidents and injuries
root-cause analysis
working backwards and seeing what lead to that event
spaghetti diagram
drawing of actual work flow in specified area at a point in time
structure standards
all factors that relate to physical environment, organization and management of an organization and affect the context in which care is delivered
quality improvement
ew ways to prevent errors from happening
- Ongoing process of innovation, prevention of error, and staff involvement
explain the 3 different types of standards:
- outcome standard
- process standard
- structure standard
- outcome standard: all effects of healthcare on patients and populations, changes to health status, behavior, knowledge, satisfaction
- process standard: sum of all actions that make up healthcare, connected with actual delivery of care
- structure standard: all factors that relate to physical environment, organization and management of an organization and affect the context in which care is delivered
what are the six themes of six sigma
- patient focus
- data drive
- process emphasis
- proactive management
- boundaryless collab
- aim for perfection, but tolerate failure