Exam 1 Pre Quiz Flashcards
Multiple trauma is caused by a single catastrophic event that causes life-threatening injuries to at least two distinct
organ systems
T/F: Typically, a person with a foreign-body airway obstruction cannot speak, breathe, or cough.
If the immunization status of a patient being treated for a wound is unknown, a _____ prophylaxis must be administered.
Hemorrhage can quickly lead to signs of ______ shock, such as hypotension, tachycardia, delayed capillary refill, and decreased urine volume.
T/F: Emergency management of the patient with carbon monoxide poisoning includes providing 100% oxygen and monitoring the patient closely.
T/F: Nonfatal drowning is defined as survival for at least 48 hours after submersion that caused a respiratory arrest.
FALSE- 24 hrs after
The person who has ingested a corrosive poison (strong acid or alkaline substance) is given water or ____ to drink for dilution before vomiting is induced.
T/F: Delirium tremens is the most severe form of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
The _____ is the most frequently injured solid organ when a person experiences a penetrating abdominal injury (gunshot or stab wound).
T/F: Primary survey is the assessment of the patient triaged to the emergent or resuscitation category that focuses on stabilizing life-threatening conditions.
______ is recognized as the most likely weaponized biologic agent available.
T/F: A disaster tag should be securely affixed to the patient’s bed or stretcher during an emergency to facilitate identification and treatment.
Blast lung and tympanic membrane rupture are two injuries that are common during the ______
phase of a blast injury.
The Incident Command System (ICS) is a federally mandated command structure that coordinates personnel, facilities, equipment, and
______ in any emergency situation.
The prodromal phase of acute radiation exposure can last up to
______ hours after exposure.
T/F: Smallpox and botulism are two examples of category A biologic agents that may be weaponized.
T/F: During a mass casualty incident, a person whose injuries are significant, but can wait hours without threat to life or limb, is triaged as a priority 2 and tagged with the color green.
T/F: In the event of a natural disaster, loss of communications, potable water, and electricity is usually the greatest obstacle to a well-coordinated emergency response, and preparatory planning is essential.
T/F: Level A of the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulations concerning personal protective equipment for health care personnel requires use of a self-contained breathing apparatus and a chemical-resistant suit with gloves and boots.
In disaster triage, patients with injuries that are significant and require medical care but can wait hours without threat to life or limb are in the _______ category.
delayed AND yellow
T/F: The nurse monitoring a patient’s potassium level knows tall, tented, “T” waves on an ECG are an indication of hypokalemia.
Tonicity is fluid _____
or the effect that osmotic pressure of a solution with impermeable solutes exerts on cell size because of water movement across the cell membrane.
____ is the excretion of less than 400 mL or urine per day in an adult.
T/F: Vital to the regulation of fluid and electrolyte balance, the kidneys of a well-hydrated adult excrete 1 to 2 L of urine per day.
____ is the unintentional administration of a nonvesicant solution or medication into surrounding tissue.
T/F: Body fluid is located in two fluid compartments: the intracellular space (fluid in the cells) and the extracellular space (fluid outside the cells).
The major electrolytes in the extracellular fluid are ____
and chloride.
T/F: A nurse should assess a patient with hypervolemia for indicators of hypotension, increased hematocrit and hemoglobin, and oliguria.