Exam # 1 Peds Review Flashcards
What group of medications should be avoided given to children because of the risk of Reyes Syndrome?
Why is rubbing alcohol contraindicated for a fever?
Lowers temperature too quickly, plus the fumes and chemicals can be irritating to the skin and nose.
What is the significance of white speckles or brown discoloration of the teeth (in a child)?
Fluorosis - excess amounts of fluoride.
(T/F) Females who are significantly overweight tend to have earlier onset of puberty and menarche.
What is the major developmental task of adolescents?
Identity formation
What are the stages of separation anxiety?
1) Protest
2) Despair
3) Detachment
What are some behaviors that often serve as indicators of infant pain?
1) Crying
2) Fist clenching
3) Grimacing
4) Wrinkling of the forehead
5) Fussiness
6) Restlessness
What are the SxS of Otitis Media?
1) Crying, irritable
2) Pulling or rubbing of ears
3) Rolls head side to side
4) ⬇ appetite
5) Lethargic
What are the Tx for Otitis Media
1) Antibiotics
2) Myringotomy w/Tympanostomy tubes - Inserting tube into the tympanic membrane & aspirating the fluid.
3) Adenoidectomy
What are some of the complications that can develop from Chronic Otitis Media?
1) Hearing loss
2) Communication difficulties
3) Feelings of fullness in the ears
4) Tinnitus
5) Vertigo
What are some preventative measures to take for Otitis Media?
1) Pneumonicocal conjugate vaccine
2) Immune Globulin (for high risk infants)
3) Use upright position when bottle feeding
4) Avoid pacifier use
5) Avoid passive tobacco smoke
Tonsillitis and Pharyngitis may be bacterial or viral in origin. What is the most common bacterial agent that causes this infection?
Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus (Strep Throat)
Why is a tonsillectomy contraindicated in children with cleft palates?
In children with cleft palates, the tonsils help prevent air escape during speech.
What is the most serious and life-threatening complication of a tonsillectomy?
Postoperative Hemorrhage
(T/F) Smaller more frequent feedings are sometimes better tolerated by infants with respiratory difficulties.
What is Laryngotracheobronchitis (croup)?
An inflammation of the mucosa lining the larynx and trachea resulting in airway narrowing
What are the viral causes of Croup?
1) Parainfluenza (mainly)
2) RSV
3) Influenza A and B
What are the SxS of croup
1) starts with URI
2) low grade fever
3) irritable, restless, fearful
4) barking cough, inspiratory Stridor
5) retractions
6) use of accessory muscles
7) crackles, wheezing, diminished lung sounds
What are the Tx for Croup (LTB)
1) Racemic epinephrine
2) Corticosteroids
3) Bronchodilators
4) Respiratory support
5) Cool air or humidity (shower)
What is the most common cause of epiglottitis?
Bacterial (H-flu)
Describe the clinical manifestations epiglottitis?
1) Rapid onset: hours
2) no spontaneous cough
3) drooling and tripod position
4) difficulty swallowing, sore throat, refuses to talk
5) agitation
6) toxic high temp
7) cherry red swollen epiglottitis
What are the methodsof treatment used for epiglottitis?
1) Oxygen
2) Airway maintenance
3) IV Fluids & Antibiotics
4) Corticosteroids (IV Decadron)
5) Rest & Support
Describe Bronchiolitis. What is the major cause of Bronchilitis?
1) Bronchiolitis is an inflammation of the bronchioles with resulting mechanical changes. It manifests as thick mucus production that occluded the bronchioles and small bronchi.
2) Most commonly caused by Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
What are the clinical manifestations of RSV (Bronchiolitis)
1) Starts as an URI
2) Tachypnea: can be 60-80/min due > residual volume
3) retractions and nasal flaring
4) Breath sounds
5) Distended abdomen
6) Feeding problems due to respiratory probs.
7) Intermittent fever
What are the signs of impending respiratory failure in a child with RSV (Bronchiolitis)?
1) ⬇ breath sounds
2) Tachypnea (> 70)
3) Cyanosis
4) Pallor
5) Listlessness
6) Apneic episodes
What are the treatments used for RSV (Bronchiolitis)?
1) Respiratory isolation (quarantine RSV kids together)
2) Mist therapy with oxygen
3) Monitor O2 sat
4) HOB elevated 30-40 degrees
5) NPO if tachypneic ( >60 bpm)
6) Discourage cough suppressants
7) Monitor I/O: because of Tachypnea
8) Nebulized adrenaline
9) Ribavirin
10) Albuterol and steroids