Exam 1 Part 2 Flashcards
What are examples of impairments in social-emotion reciprocity?
Describing own emotions, low frequency of shared positive affect, less initiations, limited monitoring of attentional focus of others (e.g. someone may not be listening while a child with ASD talks and they don’t notice it), turn-taking, back-and-forth conversation, less likely to ask for clarification
What are some non-verbal behavior deficits for people with ASD?
Eye gaze, body language, understanding/use of gestures, understand intentions of others
By 16 months, children should have __ gestures
What types of attention impairments do children with ASD have?
Joint, sharing
When is theory of mind developed?
3-4 years
What does SCERTS stand for?
Social competence, emotional regulation, transactional supports
An individual with typical social competence will display what symptoms?
Drawn toward social vs non-social stimuli, derives pleasure from communication, notices attention shift of others, imitates actions of others, engages in social behaviors
An individual with atypical social competence will display what symptoms?
tend to not look towards others, tends to look at the mouths of the speaker, limited shared positive affect (smiling after someone smiles at you), miss gaze shifts between other people and objects, difficulty predicting actions, simply hear sounds and not perceive them
Supporting a child’s ability to communicate, comprehend, and collaborate with others
Social communication
Supporting a child’s ability to cope, make transitions, and actively engage with others
Emotional regulation
Interpersonal supports and learning supports embedded in the natural environment to foster SC and ER
Transactional support
Developmental stage that happens before words; social stimuli may not be intrinsically rewarding, gestural communication is often delayed
Social partner stage
What is the priority of the social partner stage?
Increase spontaneous communication, conventional gestures that have a shared meaning
What are examples of joint attention SCERTS social partner goals?
Initiating bids for interaction, sharing negative and positive emotions, requesting objects and help, protesting undesired actions or activities, commenting on objects
What are examples of samples symbols use social partner goals?
Imitate actions or sounds, proximity to others, dimple motor actions, a give gestures, push away, a touch gesture, a show gesture, a point, or wave gesture