Exam 1 Overflow Flashcards
Causes of pulmonary hypertension
High altitude
Left to right shunts of blood flow
Left heart failure
Where do deposits take place in arthersclerosis in the canine?
the tunica media
What is the agent of malignant cattarhal fever?
Ovine herpesvirus 2 is the agent of MCF
OHV-2 is consistently found in peripheral blood leukocytes and lymphoid tissues in cases of MCF in bison and cattle.
causes of thrombosis
Abnormal intimal surface
Changes in flow pattern – stasis or turbulence
Hypercoagulability, shock
What could you see on a slide with a coronary vessel thrombus?
necrosis, fibrin, inflammatory cells (macrophages), dystrophic mineralization (the purple)
Tumor cells, air bubbles, pieces
Of thrombi, bacteria can all be types of…
What type of senesitivity was discussed to be associated with vasculitis?
Type III
What sequelae can Mycobacterium avium paratubercuolsis (Johne’s Disease) in cattle cause?
acute heart failure (two types) and chronic heart failure
Acute heart failure:
Cardiac syncope:
Loss of consciousness due to sudden fall of blood pressure, e.g. bradycardia, MI
Peripheral circulatory failure—decreased circulating blood volume
Heart may be fine but lack of functioning blood may be the problem: shock.
Chronic heart failure: congestive heart failure
when does cardiac hypertrophy occur? what types occur with each scenario?
Occurs in volume and pressure overload
Pressure overload:
Concentric hypertrophy
systemic and pulmonary hypertension
semilunar valve stenosis
Volume overload (increased diastolic load):
Eccentric hypertrophy
valve insufficiencies
many cardiac defects with shunting
Systemic venous congestion and Heartworms, cardiomyopathies, some defects are a cause and effect of…
right heart failure
Aortic and mitral valve disease/ endocarditis and Lung congestion and edema is a cause and effect of…
left heart failure
true or false
left hearted failure can eventually become right hearted failure
is Congestive Heart Failure recompensation or decompensation?
endiocardosis can cause…
Valve insufficiency 🡪 eccentric hypertrophy
when do you call “it” congestive heart failure?
When there is no perfusion to other organs
What are some common causes for cardiomyopathy on cats?
taurine deficiency in cats
and vitamin e/ selenium deficiency
you see Chronic fibrinopurulent pericarditis and epicarditis in a cattle, what is the likely pathogenesis?
Traumatic reticulopericarditis – “hardware disease”
trure or false
RAAS increases peripheral vascular resistence
is ASD a problem of volume or pressure overload?
volume overload
what is one of the most common septal defects?
VSD, a volume AND pressure overload
will pulmonic stenosis cause right or left concencentric or eccentric hypertrophy?
RV concentric hypertrophy
LV concentric hypertrophy can be cause by…
sub or aortic stenosis
Fibrocartilagenous Emboli in The Spinal Cord and Meningeal Veins is a likley to occur in what kind of Dog?
low riders that need back surgery
a nasty looking kidney with vasculitis, macrophagic and lymphoplasmacytic phlabitis is likely due to…?
What are some types of acute heart filure? What is chronic heart failure?
Acute heart failure:
Cardiac syncope:
Loss of consciousness due to sudden fall of blood pressure, e.g. bradycardia, MI
Peripheral circulatory failure—decreased circulating blood volume
Heart may be fine but lack of functioning blood may be the problem: shock.
Chronic heart failure: congestive heart failure
dog has:
Nocturnal cough, with blood
Pulmonary edema
LAV(mitral) murmur
Increased capillary refill time and cyanosis
What is your likely clinical diagnosis at this point?
congestive heart failure
Case #1: Dog Cocker Spaniel 12 yr Male
History: This dog has been coughing at night for the past 2 years. Sometimes he brings up a bit of blood-tinged froth and occasionally exhibits obvious dyspnea. For the last few days, he has now begun to cough all day, especially when excited. He is very restless at night and can’t breath well lying down.
Physical Exam: There is a severe systolic murmur on the left side, deemed to be an AV murmur. Auscultation of the lungs reveals moist lung sounds. His abdomen is enlarged, and you believe it is full of fluid. Mucous membranes are “muddy” and capillary refill time is mildly prolonged. Evaluation of the abdominal fluid reveals it to be clear, have a specific gravity of about 1.014, and to be low in protein with few cells.
What is your diagnosis
right side heart failure