Exam 1: Monday 8/17/15 Flashcards
Name the 3 parts of a bone
Where is the epiphysis?
the end of the long bones; attached to the joints
Where is the metaphysis?
the area between the epiphysis and diaphysis
Where is a diaphysis?
the shaft/ midsection of the long bones
What is an osteon?
a functional unit of compact bone
What is an osteocyte?
a bone cell; a mature osteoblast that has become embedded in the bone matrix
What is an osteoblast?
bone forming cells
What is an osteoclast?
reabsorb bone during the process of growth and repair
What is Wolff’s law?
Weight, force will affect the amount of blast and clasts=
What is compact bone and where is it located?
the outside of the bone, the diaphysis, can take a lot of force, where muscles attach
What is spongy/ cancellous bone and where is it located?
the inside, in the neck and the head; for absorption
What are trabeculae?
lots of interwoven spaces; in cancellous bone- forms a meshwork of intercommunicating spaces that are filled with bone marrow
What is the intramedullary space/ canal?
Center of the shaft; Red and Yellow Bone Marrow is located here
Where does osteoporosis normally start?
starts in spongy bone- blasts/ clasts get out of balance, more blasts
What are Haversian Canals?
A network of canals inside compact bone and contains blood vessels, connective tissues, nerve fibers, and lymphatic vessels