Exam 1: Intro to Kinesiology Flashcards
What is kinesiology?
-The study of human ________.
The study of the body as a machine is based in:
-Mechanics, anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics.
- What is biomechanics?
- The _______ (mechanics) of motion produced by __________ systems.
physics, biological
The Nature of Kinesiology
- Threefold purpose for practitioners:
- Optimize performance for clients with consideration of s_____, e___________, and e________.
*Motion can be described in 2 ways:
1) _________ terms
- Describes how the human body “looks” upon visual inspection as it performs skills.
- Is based on visual observation, which can range from ‘eyeballing’ to video recording , to sophisticated 3D digital imagery.
2) ________ terms
- Vector and velocity.
1) Qualitative
2) Quantitative
Qualitative Motion Analysis
*Qualitative motion analysis incorporates two types of approaches:
1) _________ approach
- Views the total body as a system that progresses through stages or phases as it refines movement patterns.
2) _________ approach
- Rather than looking at the total body as a global system, it breaks it down into component sections.
1) Composite approach
2) Component approach
Qualitative Motion Analysis - Composite Approach
- The composite approach is known as the “_____ body” approach.
- Although it breaks down movement patterns to primary body parts, the stages of skill progression are based on the product of all the body parts in __________.
- The _____ is a popular example of a composite approach for identifying fundamental motor skill ability.
- It is a relatively easy-to-administer tool used often in physical education.
TGMD-2 (Test of Gross Motor Development #2)
Specifically, the TGMD-2 is made up of 12 skills contained in two domains:
- Run
- Gallop
- Hop
- Leap
- Horizontal Jump
- Slide
Object control:
- Striking a stationary ball
- Stationary dribble
- Kick
- Catch
- Overhand throw
- Underhand roll
*The TGMD-2 is based on only two possible scores for each criterion, a “__” or a “__”.
0 or 1
*If the trained observer sees the criteria during the performance, a “__” is marked in the box; if not, a “__” is marked in the box.
*In contrast to the composite approach, the component approach provides more ______ about performance.
- 5 separate ‘_________’ are used in this example for overhand throwing, and each is divided into 3 or 4 distinct steps that progress from beginner to mature levels of skill.
- Trunk action component.
- Preparatory arm backswing component – humerus and forearm action.
- Forward swing component – humerus action.
- Forward swing component – forearm action.
- Foot action component.
*Remember that qualitative and quantitative analyses are ___________ rather than competitive.
- We must __________ observe motion to give feedback, but some situations require a deeper understanding of the factors that caused the observed motion.
- Also, some performers require more accurate information that can only be measured __________ (swimmer off the starting blocks).
Kinesiological Analysis: A Description of the motor skill performance
- Description of the motor skill performance
1) Primary purpose of the skill
2) Movement phases of the skill
3) Classification of the skill
4) Simultaneous-sequential nature of the skill
Kinesiological Analysis: Description of the motor skill performance
1) Primary Purpose of the skill:
* Without a clear understanding of ___ the movement is being performed, it is virtually impossible to evaluate its effectiveness.
* In this statement of the purpose, applicable references to speed, accuracy, form, and distance should be included.
Kinesiological Analysis: Description of the motor skill performance
1) Primary Purpose of the skill:
- What is the purpose of putting in golf?
- To sink the ball in the cup – _______ is the prime determinant of success.