Exam 1 Geol 1040 Flashcards
Earth System Science
•Geology- study of the solid earth, Hydrology-study of rivers and lakes, oceanography- study of the oceans/coastlines, climateology-planet’s climate, astronomy- solar systems, paleobiology- origin of life on earth
scientific methodology
•Problem, propose an explanation for observable phenomena (theory or hypothesis), made predictions based upon your explanation, test hypothesis, evaluate the results, accept, reject, or modify the hypothesis based upon the results
Can a hypothesis ever be proven correct
Hypothesis can never be proven- could fail future test
Under what circumstances would a hypothesis be accepted or rejected?
evaluate from test results
difference between a hypothesis and a theory
A theory is one or several hypothesis that is important or stood the test of time
Why is the Earth called the “blue planet
70% of the surface is covered with water/ basically the only planet that has water
Why does the Earth have liquid water, water vapor, and frozen water (ice)
It is the right distance from the sun to have all three states of water because of the right distance gravity and size
In what ways is Earth similar to the Moon, Venus, and Mars? In what ways is the Earth different?
Earth ->moon- formed from the earth, have mountainous areas and basalt plains, average density of Moon is equal to Earth’s crust and is made of the same minerals [ moon cooled faster, less gravity;
Earth-> Venus- same size, average density, crater, volcanoes, lava flows, rift valleys, and plateaus] Venus lacks magnetic field, atmosphere is 100x thicker than earth, surface temp. 5000C due to runaway Greenhouse effect;
Earth-> Mars- about the same size, shield volcanoes, rift valleys, plateaus, wind-blown sand dunes, features indicating ancient floods] lacks a magnetic field.
Why isn’t the Earth covered by impact craters
It is always changing and Erosion
Is the surface of the Earth mostly young or old material
Is the Earth a “closed system
Nebular Hypothesis
•Start with a small particles (ice and gases) in a cloud then tugged by gravity by a nearby force and they start turning and colliding and forma mass and it heats up, then reaches a temperature that fission can occur aka a star still have a dust ring pulling the plant in
difference between a proto-star and a star
•Proto-star is the start of a star but as star has gone through fusion
Between a proto-planet and a planet
•Proto planet (internally form core) is the start of a planet but has not conge through condensation
Where else do volcanoes occur
Shield volcanoes form over hot spots, produce lots of lava, Martian shield volcanoes Mars