Exam 1 - From Slides Flashcards
Small pharmacies that bought bulk chemicals to make produces
Usually family managed
Gave medical advice and remedies for healing
Also sold protective medications and chemicals
Health maintenance organizations (HMOs)
Type of health insurance plan that provides care through a network of providers for a prepaid fee
Designed to reduce the cost of medical care while still maintaining quality
Prospective payment system (PPS)
Medicare reimbursement method that pays a fixed amount for a specific service, rather than being reimbursed based on the actual services provided
A tool managers use to provide employees support, direction, and advice to help them come to conclusions and improve their performance
Pharmaceutical care (PC)
Practice where pharmacist takes responsibility for a patient’s drug related needs and is held accountable for this commitment
Provides responsible drug therapy to achieve positive patient outcomes
The difference between the actual realized amount and the budgeted amount
New employee orientation
Program to help a newly hired employee become familiar with their new position and the organization
Financial plan used to estimate the results of future operations
Management vs leadership