Exam 1 content Flashcards
What is the definition of health promotion?
he process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health (WHO, 1986).
What is the scope of health promotion?
The scope of health promotion is:
perfect health
moderate health
marginal health
exposure/ lifestyle risks
early disease
late disease
What are the attributes of health promotion?
- Optimization of health
- Community/ patient centered care
- Social determinants of health
- Health literacy
What does optimization of health mean?
Measures to maintain high levels of wellness, prevent, illness, and detect and manage disease early when it occurs (Giddens 2021)
What does community/ patient centered care mean?
Interventions must be valued and desired by the individual/community impacted. And be accessible to them. (Giddens 2021)
What does social determinants of health mean?
The conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life (WHO, 2022)
What does health literacy mean?
The degree to which individuals have the ability to find, understand, and use information to inform health-related decisions and actions for themselves and others (Healthy People 2030)
What are the levels of prevention?
Primary, secondary, and tertiary
What happens in primary prevention?
Health education, immunizations, and advocating for health policy
What happens in secondary prevention?
Screenings! vision screenings, blood preassure clinics, and harm reduction programs
What happens in tertiary prevention?
Rehabilitation, ongoing treatments including long term therapies or medications for the condition
What does social ecological model do?
Emphasizes that multiple variables influence health behavior from individuals to public policy- Giddens 2021
What happens on the individual level of the social ecological model?
it consists of the individuals knowledge, attitudes, skills,
What makes up the interpersonal level of the social ecological model?
families, friends, social networks
What makes up the organizational level of the social ecological model?
organizations, and social institutions
What makes up the community level of the social ecological model?
relationships between organizations
What makes up the public policy level of the social ecological model?
state, local laws, and regulations
What is the health promotion model?
Healthy behaviors are influenced by integration of unique characteristics, experiences, and influences of behavior