Exam 1 - Chapters 1-5 Flashcards
In how many periods is the history of the Church divided?
According to the outline of the chapters, what name is given to each period?
The Apostolic Church
The Persecuted Church
The Imperial Church
The Medieval Church
The Reformed Church
The Modern Church
What is the height which marks the starting point of the Church of Christ?
The Mount of Olives, just outside the eastern wall of Jerusalem.
Define the Christian Church.
Consists of all who believes in Jesus of Nazareth, as the son of God, who accept him as their personal savior from sin, and believe him as the Christ, the prince of the kingdom of God on earth.
When did the history of the church begin as a worldwide movement?
The day of Pentecost, in the late spring of the year 30 A D, 50 days after the resurrection of our Lord, and 10 days after his ascension.
What descended upon the followers of Christ when they were gathered together praying?
The Holy Spirit came upon them in a marvelous manner.
What was the three-fold effect of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit?
1.Illumination of their minds. 2.Empowerment.
3.Abiding Presence.
During the early period, who was the leader of the Church?
The apostle Simon Peter.
What were the three essential doctrines of the early church?
- The first and greatest was the Messiahship of Jesus; that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah, the Christ, Long, expected by Israel, and now raining over his kingdom, though invisible in the heavens; to whom each member of the church was expected to give personal loyalty, reference, and obedience.
- The resurrection of Jesus; that he had been crucified, had risen from the dead, and was now living, the head of his church, to die no more.
- The return of Jesus; that he who had ascended to heaven, was in due time to come back to earth and reign over his church.
What was the only defect of the Pentecostal Church?
Its lack of missionary zeal . 
It stayed at home, when it should’ve gone abroad with the gospel to other lands and other peoples. It needed the stimulus of sharp persecution to send it forth on its worldwide mission.
Who was the first person to have the vision of a gospel for everyone? What led to this vision of the gospel?
Stephen. and it was that which caused him to become the first Christian martyr.
Who helped spread the gospel while still an enemy of Christians?
Who was Philip and what part did he occupy in the spread of the gospel?
Philip was one of the apostles associated with Stephen in the stewardship of gifts for the poor.
Philip found refuge among Samaritans, and began preaching to them, showing his freedom from the narrow Jewish spirit. There in Samaria, he established the first church outside of the pale of Judaism, though it was not quite a church of gentile members. He also founded churches, in the coastal cities of Gaza, Joppa, and Caesarea.
Where were Phillips churches? 
Where was a church of Jews and Gentiles established and how did they receive news of it in Jerusalem?
In Antioch.
The mother church was alarmed and sent a representative to examine this relationship with the Gentiles.