Exam 1 - Chapter 4 Flashcards
A nurse reviewed some handouts before meeting the community residents attending a program on healthful living. What is this nurse’s behavior called?
Health promotion
What is it called when a 50-year-old woman comes to the clinic for her first screening mammogram?
Health promotion
Best definition of health
Goal and resource for living
A nurse was becoming frustrated. She had given her client extensive information on his health problem, but the client continued to be noncompliant in making needed changes. What had the nurse forgotten?
Information while necessary will not motivate people to change
The nurse working with a client to change behavior to maximize health asked the client to bring his family to the next visit. Why would the nurse want the family to come with the client?
Evaluate whether the family members approve of the proposed changes
Risk factors least subject to modification
Environmental exposure
What is the primary reason risk reduction is of such importance in the United States today?
Leading causes of death are all related to lifestyle choices
Cause of most preventable death
Which question is the most important to be included in each client’s health history?
What kinds of tobacco do you use daily?
During a health history, the client looked confused and said, “But everybody drinks, like at parties and such. How much drinking do you think is too much?” How should the nurse respond?
Per day, no more than one drink for women and two drinks for men.
Which factors have a profound, if sometimes unrecognized, impact on one’s health?
Adequate resources
Interpersonal relationships
Local, state, and national policies
Physical neighborhood where one works and lives
What interventions might a nurse choose based on the Health Belief Model to help a client improve his or her lifestyle choices?
Examine perceptions of health in relation to current lifestyle bx choices
Review how lifestyle changes can reduce risk and improve client’s life
Share statistics regarding probability of health problems and their seriousness if action is not taken
Use communication channels to send reminders of action currently needed
A nurse was becoming frustrated. It had been 2 weeks, and although the client had verbalized that the best time of day to take a 15-minute walk was early in the morning, the client had not begun to exercise. What had the nurse forgotten?
A decision to act always occurs before action begins
Bx change is difficult and takes time
Why do nurses often ask clients how they are sleeping?
Many adults report sleep problems or occasional lack of sleep
Many important functions occur during sleep