Exam 1: Chapter 2 Flashcards
Prefrontal Lobotomy
surgical procedures that severs fibers connecting the frontal lobes of the brain from the underlying thalamus
mental short cut or rule of thumb, can lead to oversimplification
External Validity
the extent that our finding generalize to real world settings
Internal Validity
the extent to which we can draw cause and effect inference
Case Study
research design that examines one person or a small number of people in depth, often over and extended time
Existence Proof
demonstration that a given psychological phenomenon can occur
Random Selection
every person in the population has the equal chance of being chosen
consistency of measurements
extent to which a measure asses what it is supposed to measure
Response Sets
tendencies to distort their answers to questions, often in a positive light
tendency to make our self appear psychologically disturbed to achieve a personal goal
Halo Effect
tendency of ratings of one positive characteristic to influence other characteristics
Correlational Design
examines the extent to which two variables are associated
Correlation coefficient
0-1, closer to 1 means more correlation
Scatter plot
grouping of points on a two dimensional graph
Illusory Correlation
the perception of a statistical association between two variables where none exists
Manipulation of an independent variable and random assignments of participants to groups
Random Assignment
randomly sorting participants into groups
Experimental Group
group of participants that receive the manipulation
Control Group
does not receive the manipulation
Independent Variable
manipulated by the researcher
Dependent Variable
measured to see if the manipulation has an effect
Operational Definition
working definition of what a researcher is measuring
Confounding Variable
any variable differing between test groups other than independent variables
Placebo Effect
improvement resulting from the expectation of improvement
unware of whether one is in the experimental or control group
Nocebo Effect
harm resulting from the expectation of harm
Experimenter Expectancy Effect
phenomena in which researchers unintentionally bias the outcome
Double Blind
researchers and participants are unaware of who is in which group
Demand Characteristics
clues picked up by participants about hypothesis during the experiment
Informed Consent
informing research participants of what is involved in a study before asking participation
application of mathematics describing and analyzing data
Descriptive Statistics
describe data
Central Tendancy
measure of central scores in a data set where points tend to cluster
Standard Deviation
measure of variability that takes into account how far each data point is from the mean
Inferential Statistics
mathematical methods allow us to determine whether we can generalize to entire population
Statistically Significant
less than 5% probability that results are due to chance
Practical Significance
Applicable to the real world