Exam 1 (CH.1, CH2) Flashcards
**Describe the three goals that distinguish the activities of personality psychologists from the layperson who is also interested in people?
- Scientific Observation
-Study Diverse groups of people
- Ensure objectiveness
- Specialized levels to study thinking - Systematic Theory
- Systematic
- Comprehensive - Applications from observations and theory to practice.
What are Units of Analysis?
A concept that refers to the basic variables of a theory; different personality theories invoke different types of variables, or different basic units of analysis, in conceptualizing personality structure.
What is a trait?
An enduring psychological characteristic of an individual; or a type of psychological construct (a “trait construct”) that refers to such characteristics.
What is a type?
A cluster of many different personality traits that may constitute a qualitatively distinct category of a person (Personality type).
What is structure?
In personality theory, the concept that refers to the more enduring and stable aspects of personality.
What are two challenges that encompass growth and development psych?
- Characterized patterns of development that are experienced by most. Individuals develop through emotional experiences and motives common to all.
- Understanding development factors that contribute to individual differences. What factors cause someone to develope differently.
What is the modern view of nature vs nurture?
They say that rather than one or the other it is both that effect the individual.
**What are three ways in which parents influence their children’s behavior? Illustrate with an example.
- Through their own behavior, parents present situations that elicit certain behaviors in children (e.g. frustration = aggression)
- Parents serve as role models for the identification
- Parents selectively reward behaviors.
**Describe four of the seven conceptual issues in personality psychology?
- Philosophical View of a person
- Internal and external determinants of behavior
- Consistency across situations over time
- The unity of experience and action and the concept of self
- Veryfiying states of awareness and the concept of the unconscious
- The influence of the past, present, and future.
- Can we have the science of personality what kind of science can it be
**Why are operational definitions important?
- Being able to replicate a study
- For evaluating CONSTRUCT VALIDITY of the study.
What is L-Data?
Information obtained from a person’s life history and life record.
What is O-Data?
Information is provided by knowledgeable observers such as parents teachers or friends.
What is T-Data?
Information obtained through experiment procedures that measure peoples performance on tasks.
What is S-Data?
Information that participants report on themselves.
What are the 5 contrasts of hard psychology and soft psychology?
- H. Modeled after the natural sciences
S. Modeled after the humanities.
- - H. Nomothetic approach
S. Idiographic approach - H. Reliance on experiments
S. Reliance on descrptive studies
4.H. Molecular approach
S. Molar Approach
- H. Objective
S. Value Oriented.