Exam 1 Flashcards
Cholesterol screening
Age 35 for men, 45 for women
Mammogram screening
Every 2 years from age 50-74
Bone mineral density screening
> 65 years old one time
Sports physical should be deferred if
Sudden death in family <50 years old, disabling cardiac disease <50 years, cardiomyopahty, long QT syndrome, arrhythmias
medical necessity
What was done (CPT) + why it was done (ICD10)
Payment for service is based on
work effect, practice expense, and malpractice expense
Level 2 CPT
Problem focused
Brief HPI
Perform and document 1-5 elements
Level 3 CPT
Expanded problem focused
Brief HPI and problem focused ROS
Perform and document at least 6 elements
Low complexity
Level 4 CPT
Extensive HPI, ROS and pertinent family and social history
Perform and document at least 2 elements from 6 areas or 12 elements from 2+ areas
Moderate complexity
Level 5 CPT
Comprehensive history, extended HPI, extended ROS, complete ROS, complete family and social history
Perform and document at least 2 elements from 9 areas
High complexity
Medicare eligibility
<65, disabled
Part A: hospital
Part B: outpatient
Ability to detect true positives; ability to detect a disease
SnNout: if low probability of disease, you want to rule it out and so would use a sensitive test
Ability to detect true negatives; ability to detect absence of disease
SpPin: if high probability of disease, rule it in and use a specific test
Medications for acute bronchoconstriction
beta 2 agonist, ipatropium, systemic steroids
Treatment of anaphylaxis
Epinephrine first line
H1 and H2 blockers second line (diphenhydramine)
Treatment of bites/stings
Local wound care, removal of stinger, ice patch, antihistamine for itchijng, topical steroids for inflammation, antibiotics for secondary infection, NSAIDs
Treatment for scabies/lice
Abx for Lyme disease
Doxycycline 100mg 2 tablets
S/S of allergies
Sclera erythema and injection, allergic shiners, swollen and pale turbinates, tonsillar enlargement
Neurogenic hypotension
Failure of pulse to increase with a decrease in BP
Symptoms occur with postural changes, prolonged standing, dehydration, alcohol, carb heavy meals, heat exposure
Treatment for hypotension in normotensive person
Fludrocortisone (volume expander)
Treatment for hypotension if hypertension when supine
Midodrine (sympathomimetic)
Treatment for hypotension if hypertension when standing
Pyridostigmine (cholinesterase inhibitor)
Most common cause of syncope
Vasovagal: vasodilation, bradycardia, paradoxical systemic hypotension
nonpainful, progressive loss of visual acuity, blurry and hazy vision with halos or glare with bright lights
Tx for cataracts
Most common cause of blepharitis
Staph aureus
Treatment of blepharitis
Lid hygiene with warm compresses for 5-10 minutes
May apply thin layer of erythromycin or bacitracin gel
Acute onset of red eye with excessive watery discharge
Viral conjunctivitis
Thick purulent discharge in both eyes that are sticky and glued shut in the morning
Bacterial conjunctivitis
most common organisms in bacterial conjunctivitis
Staph aureus in adults
H. influenzae and strep pneumoniae in children
Treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis
Trimethoprim-polymyxin B or fluoroquinolone drops 4 times per day for 1 week
Itchy eyes with clear or stringy white discharge
Allergic conjunctivitis
Giant papillary conjunctivitis, cobblestone pattern of large bumps on eversion of upper lid
Vernal conjunctivitis
study of health-related determinants and distribution/control of disease/health problems
outbreak limited in time + location (SARS in 2003) short duration (<2 weeks)
epidemic extending to entire community or large part of world (AIDS)
remains persistent in area for long period of time (Hep B in China)
Epidemiologic triad
host, vector, environment, agent
Sudden onset eye pain, foreign body sensation, blurry vision, redness, tearing, light sensitivity
Corneal abrasion
Dx for corneal abrasion
Topical fluorescein dye
Epithelium repairs itself in 5 days
Seek emergency care with corneal abrasion if
RSVP (redness, sensitivity to light, vision changes, pain
Meds that can cause dry eye
Anticholinergic, antihistamines, TCAs, alpha blockers, antihypertensives, steroids
Unilateral or bilateral ear fullness or hearing loss, otalgia, itching, discomfort, tinnitus
Cerumen impaction
Conductive hearing loss causes
Impacted ceremun, infections of outer ear, tumors, fibrotic stenosis, TM perforation, scar tissue, barotrauma
Causes of sensorineural hearing loss
Inner ear infection, meniere disease, trauma, CN8 disorder
Gradual hearing loss with aging
Meds that can cause ototoxicity
Aminoglycosides, antineoplastics, salicylates, furosemide, quinine